The Second Week Begins

So far for the last week I was pretty beaten up I started to relax a little more when I came home recently. I was given the task to check some old Hardware of the company not nowing why and I kind of liked it. It was something different from the usual stuff I’m doing at work. To make that happen I needed to create an iso-file for Windows 10 which the company is using. I struggled a bit doing that because in Windows 10 you recently can’t do that as well as you could in Windows 7 or 8.1 . Thats why I was spending my time at home mostly with doing stuff for work.

Nevermind i was able to take a great picture at our stand up which we are doing each morning. It is kind of summing up what you did the day before at work and what you will do today. I am very happy about my Team I am working with. So here goes a picture of that great people enjoy!

The Lighting Enterprise Team

So far so good as I said nothing much did happen that week so i come back to you guys with some more news the days.

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