First day at work

Hello from Belfast,

our weekend is over now. Since yesterday, we started to work at our placements.

My placement is at SportNI.
Sport Northern Ireland is the leading public body for the development of sports in Northern Ireland.

They have about 140 employees and the most of them have got a computer and a telephone.
So the IT have to support the employees and the hardware.

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My first impression of Belfast

„Welcome to the place of never ending rain!“ I think you could say that this was the first thing that came to my mind after we arrived on Friday the 1st of April. The first impression of the UK was kind of bad. But anyway a lot of things happened after we finally made it to our new homes for the next 2 months…

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The first weekend in Belfast

[02/04/2016 – 03/04/2016]
The first weekend in Belfast was very relaxed for me. On Saturday the most of us met together to visit the Belfast City. The center of the City is in 20 minutes reachable. At the center of the city we have to find a shop, that sells RJ45 cables, because Lukas needed one of this cable. After a few hours and a few „electronic shops“ later we found a computer shop that sells RJ45 cables.
After the computer shop we walked to a grocery. There I had bought some food for the evening.


On Sunday Tristan, Hendrik, Henny and I walked along the Lagan River to the inner city again. The other half of the day we spent in our appartements.
Arrival, shopping center and my view
Arrival, shopping center and my view

Goodbye Germany – hello Ireland

After a fee hours of sleep we had to set off to the airport. After about 2 hours of flying we arrived Dublin. We had to take a bus from Dublin to Belfast but our booked bus was to full so we waited for the next bus. In this time we drank our first Guinness beer and some of us ate something.IMG_0491

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