Absolutely no goal…


I think all of us have seen the victory of the German team against the English one. It was awesome.

I am currently involved in doing all my paper stuff for all organizations. So nothing special.

I only want to share one picture with you, that you know it was not a disallowed goal!

Last week


I’m at work again and I have nothing else to do than, as you already know, installing computers. 2 Laptops and 2 Dekstops today. That’s all I have to do. I am thinking about anything else to tell about and that’s the weekend.

Sebastian, Oliver and I went to Glasgow on Sunday. Over there we visited the Celtic Football Stadium. I think that I’ve never seen such a great pure football stadium before. Just awesome. I think more details are included in the groundhopping article of Sebastian. Glasgow is a nice City and I regret that I was there for only a few hours.

Back in Belfast we all went to bed immediately. On Sunday we watched Germany beating England in a Pub.

That’s it. No Pictures and nothing else left to tell about.

Groundhopping Part IV

Thats the final groundhopping part, therefore I have something special for you!

David, Oliver and me organized a day trip to Glasgow and we visited the Celtic Park, home of the famous club Celtic Glasgow (eng. Celtic FC). It took some time to find the stadium and unfortunately we missed the last tour trough the ground. But! On this day we were really lucky guys, a security guard allowed us to have a quick look inside the stadium!
And you may know that I falling in love with this kind of stadiums from former groundhopping parts and the Celtic Park surely drives me crazy, I would like to marry this awesome place! (sry babe ;))

It was a great feeling to get inside the stadium and to see the new green grass! Just take a look on the pictures.

Our hole group were impressed and we agreed to visit the stadium on a match-day in the near future.

More information about the Celtic Park:

  • Architect: Archibald Leitch
    Dedication: 1892 (!!)
    Capacity: 60.832 Seats
    Owner: Celtic Glasgow

That is the last part and I hope you enjoyed it!

One more Week

I am sorry for getting out blogs so seldom. There is just not enough time to write.
By now you know that I like to put as many videos and pictures in my blog as possible, that is one reason why it takes so long for me to finish each blog. Mainly because our internet connection works only sometimes so it can take some days to upload a single video.

As promised in my last blog here are pictures and videos from Brazilians win at the pub called Woolshed.

Sadly I have been ill again last week. But Tim and I went to Belfast anyway because we have planned the trip already two or three weeks ago. At Friday night I met a lot of friendly people at Sebastian’s and David’s place. The Next Day we went to the Giants Causeway and on Sunday we had a walk through the city before going back to Dublin. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Unfortunately it’s our last weekend here in Dublin so it’s time to say good-bye to all the people we meet here and maybe have a last beer with them. I am looking forward to get back to Berlin for two reasons: I don’t want to live in this apartment anymore and I don’t want to work at my company anymore. If I had a better job and accommodation I would strongly consider staying here for some more months. Dublin feels like home to me by now.

At last here are some more pictures I wanted to share in my lasts blogs but there was not enough web space available at that time.

Ok actually I wanted to share more pictures with you but I don’t want to use all of our webspace that is left.



Today, we are finished with our database. Certainly the beta version. This week we have removed errors and created the login option. We give the database Peter, who is testing the database. Then, on Monday he tells us, how good our bad it is. I think, there is still work in the last week.
Furthermore, I have designed a new logo for Computer Doctor, which is still not finished. By the way, Computer Doctor will also change its name.
That’s what I have done.

See you next time!

The last two days

were not really exciting. On thursday we stayed at home because we are goint out now (Friday). This is our last Weekend so we are going to enjoy it ALOT! At work I got the Website ready but John wants more details changed… I think it will not go online as long as I’m available at bloomBPO to change things.

Today I programmed noting, was just having a look at the CSS files and fixing some small bugs, had a talk to John and was saying goodby to my french college as it was his last day at bloom today.

Thats it,

C u in 7 Days

Sick and anticipation…

Hi folks!
For the last 2 days I can’t report a lot, because till today I was sick and I couldn’t go to work. Nevertheless I followed the tight victory from Germany against Ghana at the apartment of Marco and Alex. The other peers of my apartment followed the game in our favourite pub for FIFA World Cup games. At Saturday we want to go to the coast again, but this time on the other side, I hope the weather will be clear.
I very much look forward to get home!
Greetz to Germany and Belfast.


Short entry..

Hello to everybody,

For some reason my laptop didn’t boot yesterday and I really don’t know why. I used the True Crypt Recovery CD and now it is working fine, so it should be something to do with the boot loader.

Today I have to reinstall another computer to get it working fine. I don’t think that this will take me the whole day, therefor I can use my time to complete the registration for the Cisco competition and to check all e-mails from the OSZ-IMT to get to know what things I have to do here before I leave Ireland. I started to lean for the competition yesterday, but it is very difficult to get me to deal with the Cisco CCNA stuff again and again. Will it never stop?

Hopefully it’s not without success.

Work on Site

Hey everybody,

That’s just a short explanation of what I’m dealing with right now at work. Since Yesterday I am „on site“. That means that I take care of problems concerning customer’s networks. Yesterday I had to configure a Cisco Router and a Firewall to provide secure Internet access. I also established a VPN tunnel to the head office of the company. It took about 4 hours to realize it, but finally it was working.

Today I am on a different customer site. I reconfigured the firewall here as well. I had to change the external IP address because their old one was on the black list caused by spam mails originating from their server, which hast been hacked before. But it is all fine now. As you can see the internet is working right now. The internet at our house at home is not working sufficiently so I just write the article from here. The next one will be on sunday, because it will be a busy weekend for me. I think all of us is dealing with all the different papers and sheets we have to fill out for the oszimt and the projects.

Let’s see if we can provide all requested documents until we come back :).

Leo: I was just upset about Mr. Bavar writing to all of us as a group  and tagging the Mail to CC. That could defenitely lead to trouble with our companies.

 I don’t think that all of us aren’t writing enough Blog entries. It’s just a few.

So sry for my aggressive comment dude…

This is football!

Oh yes!

I know everyone of you see the match Germany against Ghana and Ozils superb strike! Not a really good performance by N11 but who cares?! We are trough and will face England! Just have a quick look at the UK newspaper today:

The Sun:
„Prepare for GERM WARFARE! – Ozil sets up England blockbuster“

„And so, its Germany in the Last 16“

The Independent
„Capello: ‚We’ve lost our fear factor‘ (Does he know it’s Germany next?)“

Daily Mail
„Ghana 0 Germany 1: Ozil stunner sets up dream second round clash with England“

The Guardian
„The good news: England are through The bad news: It’s Germany up next“

Daily Star
„WWII RELOADED! England against Germany!“

Belfast Telegraph
„England against Germany. Penalties anyone?“

Irish Times
„Germany have old enemy in their sights –  EUROPE’S OLD firm meet again. Germany’s dubious reward for this tight victory over Ghana is a meeting with England on Sunday afternoon in Bloemfontein.““

Everyone here at work are glad to see the match on sunday and the most of them supports Germany (or the oppenent of England). France are out, Germany will face England, it seems as if the world cup finally going to get started!

PS: The Sun isn’t a reliable newspaper but their articles about Germany are very funny and ironic.  So if you have a dark sense of humor, read the full article. It’s worth reading!

„[…] But our boys can clock them out – as long as it does not go down to penalties.“