Short version of what I have done the last two weaks

At work I do the usual. Together with Chris I inspect websites for bugs, mark them, open tickets for new ones, describe them and close them off if they are fixed.

What I learned about how this is done is quite valuable. The programmers program something and test it on their development environments.

Afterwards they push that stuff to a test environment where the test division tests the new things. Then the first bugs are raised already, checked, fixed and closed again. Afterwards depending on how big the site is, the changes or new things are either pushed to the live version directly and then rechecked again or if it is one of the big sites, they are pushed to the release environment. On the release environment they are tested again, fixed and finally we approve of it to be pushed live.

About private things: Of course I have been watching the first two Germany games in a pub with my roommates.

I am glad to have Chris with me at my company. He works much faster than I do and helps me out alot. Thanks to him we finished our tasks so fast that we had a few days on which we hadn’t to do much so we could learn about Cisco (Chris) or Java (me) or check out other things on the web.

On those occasions I read about self developement, about setting and reaching goals and about becoming the best self you can possibly be. I think in the long run this is more valuable than reading about Java or something related to work.

This is what I wanted to share with you in my big blog entry but if you are afraid that i’ll embarrass you/us/the Afib, then I won’t publish it on this platform. I’ll do that somewhere else so the ones who are ready for a change in their ways of thinking won’t miss out.

PS: To all who will be travelling to Ireland or any other country in the future, make sure you bring a camera. I didn’t bring one because I couldn’t afford one but I tell you, without a camera you can’t make pictures and keep all your lovely memories in a picture. So make sure to bring a camera!

Kind regards, Leo

don’t be too hard on me David 😉

Bray Head

The Sunday was exciting again. I was in Bray with Tino, my colleague. Bray located on the coast, in the south of Dublin.
We drove there with the DART. We went along the beach, is a bad beach, because the beach is a very stony beach. And the water is not very cold, but it is like a sludge, many algae. Then we went to the mountian called Bray Head.   Certainly we want to see the city from the top of the mountian, because it was very nice weather. Well, we climbed the mountain, which was 241 metres high. During the way we have already seen the beautiful landscape.

On the top was 360° awesome view.
On the top I have bathed in the sun and then we have choosen another way down to the city.


Almost done and I will miss it

Well almost done, the time here is as good as over. There are only 2 Weeks and one Weekend left (only one Weekend, damn..). Lee and me have been to Belfast this Saturday to visit our collegues there and the Giants Causeway. One more great memory to recall in the future, it was really impressive and we had luck with the weather, sun almost everywhere.

Foto vom Giants Causeway mit Blick richtung Klippen
Foto vom Giants Causeway mit Blick richtung Klippen

When we came back to Dublin on Sunday evening, for me, it felt like I was coming home. Wired feeling when you know you don’t really live here and that you’r going back to Berlin in a few days.
I know I will miss the time and the people I met here and I will surely be coming back one day.

I can say almost the same about my work, the website is ready and there are only small bugs John (my boss) wants to be changed. The last two weeks I will write a Documentation about what I’ve done so people after me are able to work witth what I’ve created. The only thing that is different is that I won’t miss the work here. It was okay for the time I’m here but much longer and I would go crazy.

Thats it for the moment…

Cheers, Tim

I am working on that crazy blog entry

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know how far I am.

I wrote down basic ideas yesterday and today I am writing for two hours straight now (@ work!). I think I am half done by now. I’ll have to finish the writing and then I’ll have to add all the links and videos and work on the design.

I just flicked through the stuff I have written so far and this is what comes to my mind: ‚Absolutely crazy, he can’t be serious, this will never work and WHAT AN IDIOT

It will not fit into any category we have set and we should write for. But it is too good to not publish it – to our supervisors: ‚I am sorry for any inconvenience‘ in advance.

Stay tuned! 🙂

Get ready…

Finally the one thing I was anticipating happened. Via mail Mr. Bavar told us to write blog entries everyday other.

I feel like he referred to me only because I didn’t write a single entry in two weeks…

So I will now officially announce the blockbuster… make yourself ready for the one and only blog entry

Get your children into bed, tie yourself onto something heavy!

I Announce a blog entry that will contain so much value I probably should charge every single reader 50€ per paragraph!

Deep down in my heart I am convinced that my blog entry has invaluable information. If you recognize the value and if you’ll apply it will be up to you.

note from author: as I am writing this comment I am thinking about the legendary words already.

stay tuned!

Let’s talk about…

Hi folks!
At first I must write about the really nice weather in Dublin, that we had for the last days, the sun shines all day long and you enjoy every minute you can spend outside. Friday we have celebrated the birthday of Dajana with some other peers of the Lane and the Herberton apartments. The next interesting moment was on Sunday, we started the day with a visit at the „AIB Street Performance World Championship“, there were different street artists, who present very good shows. After that we went by the Dart to the coast and watched there some seals and clambered over cliffs. At work is everything unchanged, we get a list with a lots of bugs for a website and we have to retest them.
Actually we do every day the same at work, only it is about an other website.


Requested blog entry

I found a nice offical tool from Microsoft to secure the information – pc.

Windows Steady State 2.5

You can use these tool to configure varied settings for different users (AD user accounts as well). For example you can disable the right-click in Windows Explorer or prevent access to command prompt. I think this program would be a perfect fit for me to solve my task and for everyone who is not confident to edit the registry.

Windows Disk Protection (WDP) is an other part of the tool. WDP helps protect the Windows partition, which contains the Windows operation system and other programs, from being modified without administrator approval.

And its for free!

A good tutorial for Windows Steady State:

Windows Steady State Tutorial Part I

Windows Steady State Tutorial Part II

Stay tuned!

PS: Final Groundhopping Part IV will be released on sunday 27 june!

Requested blog entry

Hi at all,

Referring to Mr. Bavar’s Email I am writing a new blog entry for today.  I usually upload my entries at work but it was too busy yesterday that I didn’t have time to create it. I don’t write them at home because our internet is not stable and very slow.

It’s just a normal day today. I woke up, got dressed, went to the trainstation, went to Antrim, got picked up by Jonny, approached Nitec and started work.

Today there are a few more installations and support issues (troubleshooting) concerning two laptops. One Laptop is overheating and I contacted HP to get support from them because there is nothing we can do about it here. I am still trying to reproduce the problem on the other Laptop which is supposed to be a screen that’s not working properly.

Yesterday there were different task to do for me. I had to take out the harddrives of 40 PC’s and I had to  order a collection for them to be destructed. I was heavy work and my back is feeling bad right now. Additionally to that I had to take care of the waste and there were a few installation of different customer’s PC’s. When deliveries come in I have to take care about them as well.

That is kind of a special task for me because it is the first time that something more interesting happens than installing PC’s, dealing with deliveries or just taking care about the waste.

In my next blog entry I will tell you something about the „Giant Causeway“ which I visited on my weekend. But I am not able to write an article every two days because my collegues don’t like me to sit at my desk dealing with non work related issues.



Heyho Chickens!

I’ll try to find some stuff to tell you about…sorry for this kind of disjoined information.

Last friday I was out with my coworkers, we had a few pints of beer and dinner at the pub „The Kitchen“. They all were really generous and always wanted to pay for my pints. I’ve never had the chance to drink up before the next pint was coming in, maybe they tried to get me drunk.

I’ve been at home at the weekend because I have to safe money for my 2-week trip to England in a few weeks.

Yesterday I was just sitting around, reading a Cisco book at work, again.
Today, we’ll meet mr. Weigelt at the „Bot“ and talk about the company visitation on wednesday.

Side note for Lee: There are other companies too, who try to safe money with „employee management“….

For those of you who would like to see my great 7 Pound pub dinner, enjoy:

I’ve already started eating but I’ve got boiled Chicken stripes with Chips and salat from the supermarket fridge, yeayea…

Finished for the moment, bye!