On monday I started my work at Translink.It is a public corporation in Northern Irland which provides the public transport in the region. Kevin, our „manager“, told me that they have high expectations and thats true ^^ My main project is to install a Microsoft System Management Server and manage a new Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Server ( SCCM 2007 ). Right on monday I had a meeting with a microsoft expert. I work from 0900 to 1730 and arrive at my appartment around 1800.
Tuesday 18-05-2010
On Thursday, I went with two co-workers to other sites of Translink. They showed me some nice places in Belfast too. Like the Titanic dock, Odyssey Arena, few clubs, pubs and all the rest of it. The rest of the day I studied some Webcasts / Videos about the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. A huge tool, I hope I will be able to handle it.
David and I joined the PEC of the Queens University Belfast. There it is possible to play football, use the swimming pool, the degress fitness area, free weights and and and… It is expensive but doesn’t matter.
Wednesday 19-05-2010
Nothings special today. Work – Eat – Sleep
Pod: Queens University Belfast (Picture of the day)
PS: Haha Hansa und hallo Herr Babbel!
PS²: An meine Dublin – Leute, ich werde am 4. Juni in Dublin sein.
PS³: Mit Freundin 😀
On Monday we got a new task at work, we got a list with 300 Bugs for trav.com and we have to test them. We are committed to improve the quality of this website. But that’s a very monotonous job – i think. The worst is, when we checked a bug most of the time we find a new bug and must open a new ticket. There we begin at 9 o’clock and work till 5.30 pm we haven’t lot of freetime. When we come home around 6.15pm we are very hungry and completely buggered.
I hope from today on we may go to the gym and can use the pool, the jacuzzi and the other things we can do to relax a little bit. The weekend can come… this time I haven’t a picture, sry.
Sebastian and I went to the university sports center and got a membership. We had to purchase for 3 months but I’m so happy about being able to do a workout whenever I want that I don’t really regret having spent about 75 Pounds for it. We can now use the swimming pool or go to any offered activities like the gym, squach, table-tennis or just football. There are many oportunities and I’m glad to be a member.
Work goes on slowly. Today I completed an installation of a tablet pc and implemented some software. Nothing too difficult for me. I also had to take care of deliveries coming in, for example, I’m supposed to check if anything’s missing and if the amount of packages fits. Jonny, the guy who’s also part of the workshop, said that there were currently no tasks left and even the support center had nothing to do. So….I’m just waiting for some work to come in.
I think that there is nothing interesting to tell about for today…..
Hey guys,
i hope everything is going fine.
My Department is still busy at the moment. Our high-rankings are back from Spain where they had conversations about company merging. I’ve nothing done today, hope i’ll get work soon. I’m sad that i couldn’t join a technician at one of his customer visitations.
Relating to our social life i’m a bit angry today. There are some things which are truly annoying me. Still hoping that it will clear up soon.
Take care,
Finally I’ve got some work for today. I’ve to resolve virus problems located at 2 laptops.
Hello people!
What to do at the ‘holy’ Sunday? According to the sunny weather the question were quite fast answered. Since the very beginning of our arrival in Belfast we wanted to climb one of the mountains nearby Belfast – so it was settled. We took all the things we could need on this journey, above all the camera, and walked (or better hiked) straight through the city towards the approximately 7 miles in the north distant ‘Cave-Hill’.
Already at the foot of the mountain I was impressed about the beautiful view of the nature. On the way up we took a lot of photos and were more amazed of the sight the more we came higher. We saw many guys driving up and down the hill on mountain bikes, hardly surprising because most of the paths and trails seemed to be made for biking.
probably the highest point
Finally on the top of the Cave-Hill (approximately 350m) we all got stunned by the amazing clear and wide sight above Belfast with its harbour, the surrounding land, the distant mountains and even narrow the coast of Scotland(look at the panorama-picture from Friedrich)! As a result of that the view reminds me a bit of the sight while gliding. 😀 After a few minutes we discovered something funny: On a lower laid peak, not far from us, sat a single guy having a BBQ, such epic funny scene!
view from the abyss of the highest point to the BBQ-Guy
After a couple of minutes and a hundreds of photos later we decided to go down. About the same time, maybe a bit earlier, rain clouds appeared at the horizon, by the way. Half way down we discovered two small caves… Wait a sec… Yay, that’s why it’s called ‘Cave-Hill’! xD Whatever… One of the caves was about 30m high on the crag and the other maybe about 4-5m. We wanted to begin in a small way, so we climbed into the lower one, nevertheless it was quiet tough because we all had the wrong footwear thus we had barely grip. At the same time it starts to rain, to our disadvantage because the rocks getting even more slippy. After a short break in the cave, the rain is still falling, we decided to climb back down at last. That was really hard and dangerous at once but the adrenaline was soaring, a very exciting moment!
exploring the 'mysterious' cave
Finally we left the mountain behind and we came across a nice castle somewhere in the woods. The door of the fence was closed, so we can’t get very close to it. Because we were quiet exhausted we took the bus to Belfast City Centre but walked the remaining way to our apartment anyways.
All things considered it was a very cool, fascinating and exciting day so that I just can recommend it to you to do similar on any sunny weekend, if you interested in nature and adventures! 😉
Next time, maybe tomorrow, I’ll tell you something about my workplace and I hope I can post pictures of it, too.
I did not yet wrote something about my work at Nitec. working here is not quite busy or exhausting. I do not really have much to do here, because I am participating in a department called workshop, where currently no tasks are waiting or coming in. Today my only job was, to install a tablet PC and to make one backup. Yes, that’s it.
The last two days of the week I will be part of the technical support team. Maybe that will be more interesting.
I hope that Sebastian and I find a place where we can do some sports. As a result of the bad bed and my herniateddisc I am dealing with very heavy pain right now. But the Sportcenter near our location is not able to let us pay cash (i don’t understand these idiots). They need us to get an irish bank account to establish a membership. I am not going to get a bank account for just 2 months ;). I hope we will find an alternative soon.
Oh….I had to purchase a train ticket, to get to Antrim, which is the town where Nitec is located. It costs me about 125Pounds monthly. But the director said I maybe get my money back from the company. Let’s see, I don’t want to be impolite and ask for it.
First of all nobody talked to us to change the apartment on Monday, so maybe we are lucky. After work we met our schoolmates at their apartment and they tried to teach me skat. We played skat for an hour an then Alexander and me went to our apartment hoping not to hear from our caretaker Ricardo that we have to change our apartment. I had spare ribs for lunch and I have to tell you that they tasted very good so if you were interested you could buy them at Lidl, I think for 3.99€
So keep your fingers crossed for us that we do not have to change our apartment tomorrow.
I slept something around eleven to twelve hours, so I feel a little bit better. I did nothing special on this day. At 1pm I watched the Formula One race in Monaco. Unfortunately, it was a very boring race, despite that the Safety Car was in action for four times.
In the afternoon we (all people from the OSZ-IMT, who are living at Herberton Apartments) looked for an TESCO (a bigger supermarket) in our surrounding. We found it but it is about 2km faraway.
After we put our stuff into our apartments we went to Lidl, too.
In the evening we had launch and watched a little bit TV.
first day at work is gone and everyone is really busy at the moment. Until tomorrow i’ll work/help at the Helpdesk. Yesterday i had to check the Firewall/Watchguard logins on many different internal and external servers and were also instructed to create new profiles there. Not as hard so far.
But, alot of people are really interested in my CCNA qualification even if there are alot of people with Cisco qualifications on the irish / uk market. A coworker told me right now that the CCNA is harder as any CCNP. He’s passed every Cisco qualification just like Jeremy.
For David: So, that was it at first.
Salesdepartment of CMI
Hey guys,
Today I had my first day at work but I will start with the weekend. On Saturday night we went to a pub how´s called „Botanic Inn“. We took a cap, because it was raining. By the way the caps are cheeper than in Germany. After an half hour the other people from our group appeared. It was quiet noisy in the pub, but not because of the music; people were laughing and talking loudly and at minute intervals glasses got broken. Some of the irish took a cup too much, like a man next to us. He was very drunken and his friends took pictures and made fun of him. I had a nice talk to a guy named Metthew and two girls how were absolutely sweet^^. At 1am the bar had closed, so we went home.
Next day, on Sunday we decided to hike to „Cave Hill“. The weather were irish mixed at this day but we had been protected by umbrellas and rainjackets. We saw the buityfull countryside of the north of Belfast and took a lot of pictures like this:
At 9am in the morning I was at work. My boss and the employees introduced me in the work process. In this project my company is responsible for a lot of workstations which used for X-rays and the diagnose. They showed me the infrastructure, how to maintain the serverfarm and whats to do if there occur allerts or errors. One guy „Berry“ was very friendly to me and I asked him if he know somebody hows would rent or sell me a bike because my company is directly in the city-centre. Tomorrow another stuffmember Metthew (but not this boy from the pub) will pick me up and than we will go to one of the hospital to setup a new workstations. I am very excited…