Hey together
This will be one of my last articles I write while I’m here in Northern Ireland. It will be a short conclusion of the last day and my overall impression here at Belfast.
Hey together
This will be one of my last articles I write while I’m here in Northern Ireland. It will be a short conclusion of the last day and my overall impression here at Belfast.
The last complete weekend is over now.
On Saturday we met us as a group to go together to the St. Georges Market and look at this one last time. „The last full weekend“ weiterlesen
Hey readers,
The weekend was pretty quiet for me. On Saturday I woke up with sore throat and stomach problems and so I spent the whole day in bed. „A relaxed weekend“ weiterlesen
There are still two weeks and five days until we fly back to Germany. The fifth week is over and it was a very hard week at work. There was a lot to do. „End of the fifth week“ weiterlesen
this weekend is a long one. On Monday there is a bank holiday, so most companies are closed.
That was the first weekend without many activities. So it was a calm weekend. „Calm Saturday“ weiterlesen
Hey there evryone,
the end of the third week is near and I am just about to go to bed or maybe I just go for another round of Warcraft 3 Tower Defense hum….don’t know yet but still it is an option. „End Of The Third Week“ weiterlesen