Go to a doctor

Hey readers,

as I mentioned in my articles before, I am not feeling well since one week. I have headaches, sore throat and a cold.  Yesterday I noticed some pus in my throat. So finally I decided to see a doctor.

The call

The agency recommended to call the University Health Centre At Queens. So I called the hotline of the Health Centre. There you are able to make an appointment with a doctor. The lady asked some questions, that she can register me in their system. At the end, she asked about my mobile number. I ’spelt‘ my number. Afterwards she noticed that this is a German mobile number. She didn’t accept this number, because I they need an UK number. So I should go to the reception of the Health Centre to register there.


Go to Health Centre

The Health Centre is located on the opposite of the Queen’s University. After a walk of 15 min. I arrived the Centre. I asked the receptionist for a registration. She gave me three sheets of paper for the registration. They asked me so many questions like ‚Did you ever live in England/Wales/Scotland?‘ or ‚Which doctors did you visit in Scotland ?‘ and so on. Finally I had to wait until the doctor is calling my name. I think there were seven other people in the waiting room. So I thought I have to wait at least 45 min. After ten min. the doctor called my name. I think I had a priority status, maybe because I am from Germany 😀 . Just a joke, but the other peoples waited a longer time than me.


At the doctor

A kind women named Dr. Fair called my name. She was very friendly and started a small talk about the internship and where I am from etc. After that she looked into my throat. This took only five sec. I think. Than she told me about the medicine, when and how I should take the Penicillin. I’ve asked about a sick note for work and she asked me how long I want to stay home. I was confused, because my doctor in Germany wouldn’t ask me this question. So I think one week would be enough time for cure this illness. By the way, she diagnosed ‚Tonsillitis‘. After the visit, I went to a pharmacy.


At the pharmacy

She wrote two medicines down on the prescription. Once the Penicilline and Chlorhexidine to gurgle. I thought this would be very expensive. I gave the prescription the pharmacist. In Germany you will get your medicine after a couple of seconds. There I had to wait about five minutes. The pharmacists checked and boxed the ‚order‘. They opened every medicine to check the completeness and the expiry date. Than they called my name and I wondered: Nobody gave me a receipt. It seems you get your medicine for free.


I hope I will  get better soon.
See you the next days!


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