Men in the Kitchen! The Caveman Instincts!

This week we thought like: ‚We need steaks!‘.
Well it was very easy to decide it with our colleagues. So we went on the St. George’s Market again. First we were a bit confused about how many steaks we would need. After a small argument we bought like 9 steaks. I bought a special one myself. It was a 28 day dry aged rib eye steak.

Dry Aged Rip Eye

We wasn´t finished with our ’shopping tour‘, we had to get some side-dishes. We bought some carrots and potatoes. I decided to do some extra parsley-garlic-chili-butter on top.

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At the evening we cooked at roberts and marlons house. It was nice to cook all togehter.
The most important thing was: It was totaly delicious.

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This is how it felt like:

Die Männerküche

Thanks to Marlon, Robert, Henny, Gino and Lukas! 😉

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