Work work and work

On Tuesday we started the Windows 10 preparation. John who is the head of the It department introduced for the prep Matthew and me.

Matthew is an Irish student, who works only two days a week for Andor. The process needs nearly 12 till 15 minutes per device. The way for the prep begins with excludes the hard drive and plug in a special SSD hard drive, which is a special image for the Windows 10 preparation. After that you start from hard drive and choose the Windows PE, which stands for Preinstallation Environment. Then starts a command prompt and you have to use diskpart, select the disk and the partition, exit diskpart and install the image mostly on c drive. Finally you have to find the serial key from the device or over remote access connect to the asset management, which goes even faster, because you can do it with copy and paste.On Tuesday Matthew and me had activate 18 devices. That was excellent, because the daily burn down chart says that you have to do 7 per day.

On Wednesday I also had to prepare the devices for Windows 10, but at this time I was alone. Finally I activate 10 devices. It could be more, but 5 devices had a Windows Vista License so they were not able to upgrade. John told me I did a great job again and he also wrote in an email. Here comes the proof.


23 days remaining…

See you soon! =)

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