That was our last weekend in Belfast.
no special week
The rest of the week passed quietly.
Ulster Museum
On Tuesday was nothing going on working.
The last week has begun
The last week is now started and it all goes slowly to the end.
The week started quite relaxing for me.
I’ve been asked for the usual!
And Like Everything Else It Must Come To An End
So here I am again with the last post I will create.
2 months are nearly over and I am more then happy to go back to Germany and finally be able to enjoy a beautiful weather. „And Like Everything Else It Must Come To An End“ weiterlesen
What A Lazy Last Weekend
So the last weekend in Belfast went by and yeah it was kind of just chilling and doing stuff like booking the flight and so on.
Good food and life can be a bitch
Yesterday I went to Rips and Bibs and I’ve ate a good steak it was very delicious and even looks very good. „Good food and life can be a bitch“ weiterlesen
The Last weekend
Nice time at all!
Hey together
This will be one of my last articles I write while I’m here in Northern Ireland. It will be a short conclusion of the last day and my overall impression here at Belfast.