At Monday last week I had to modified the script again because they change the host from where the script is running and it dosen’t work any more.
Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.
With this slogan I want to start in the second last week in Belfast.
„Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.“ weiterlesen
Clean up the mess
Hello everyone,
today I am working again. I am feeling a bit better compared to last week. My tonsils are turgid like the week before. Sometimes I have sore throat and I had some sleeping problems last night. Sorry for the bad preamble to this article. I will continue with the activity of yesterday.
A relaxed weekend
Hey readers,
The weekend was pretty quiet for me. On Saturday I woke up with sore throat and stomach problems and so I spent the whole day in bed. „A relaxed weekend“ weiterlesen
one day off
Hi reader,
unfortunately i had to spent a day at home because of something really stupid. „one day off“ weiterlesen
Staff Drinks On The House
Hey there I am back again with some new stuff for you!
To continue where I finished as I said I was setting up the PC’s for the girls…oh did I left that point out? Yeah the new interns are 2 french girls 🙂 „Staff Drinks On The House“ weiterlesen
New Interns
„Hello…It’s me…I was wondering…“ Yeah sure would be a great start for an article right?! :D:D:D
Sorry was just having a little fun with you guys. Anyway the last few weeks start and some interesting things happened.
The appointment, Marlon’s B day, fun and a lot of social skills
Why being active if you can be idle :)
This weekend we’re only relaxing the whole day.
All good things come to an end
Like the last week I’m always busy the whole week.