How To Survive In Ireland: #2 – Rain

Dear Reader,

welcome again to How to Survive in Ireland!
One thing you will experience a lot here in Northern Ireland is rain. So in this article I will show you everything you need to know about how to be perfectly prepared in the case of rain. „How To Survive In Ireland: #2 – Rain“ weiterlesen

Trips with my Parents: Saturday

On Saturday we had even bigger plans to accomplish, so we started very early at 9:00 am. This time even Henny joined our small group, even though he wasn’t very happy about the time he had to get up. „Trips with my Parents: Saturday“ weiterlesen

The whole week

This week we’ve done so much together. We’ve watched a handful of football matches (read here) and walked up the mountain Divis. This mountain we see every day so we decided to get there on the top to get an overview through Belfast and to enjoy the air and the wonderful nature while the sun is shining.

„The whole week“ weiterlesen