a new journey in a new country

Yesterday we arrived at the London airport and that’s were our new journey begins…

We had a calm flight and arrived a little bit earlier at the airport at Stansted. At the Airport we got picked up by a bus, was driving us to a meeting point in the middle of Lodon. That’s where we first met our host family.


„a new journey in a new country“ weiterlesen

Berlin to Belfast

Berlin – Departure

Starting early in the morning in Berlin I was pretty nervous about the flight and not missing anything. It was my first flight afterall. I arrived at Schönefeld Airport at around 8:30 am together with Kevin and Andy and we later met Florian at the terminal.

Luggage check in and security check cost us almost 2 hours, so we were ready to board just sly after 10:00 am.

In retrospect flying wasn’t as bad as I thought it would. Except the landing was pretty rough.

The Journey Begins

My day started at 6:30 AM in Berlin Spandau where I woke up together with my girlfriend. I ate something and my father drove us to the Schönefeld Airport where I checked in with my suitcase and went through the security check which went really quick.
After walking for like 10 minutes over what felt like the entire airport me and Anton found our gate where the others where already waiting to get on the bus that would bring us to the plane.
„The Journey Begins“ weiterlesen