a new journey in a new country

Yesterday we arrived at the London airport and that’s were our new journey begins…

We had a calm flight and arrived a little bit earlier at the airport at Stansted. At the Airport we got picked up by a bus, was driving us to a meeting point in the middle of Lodon. That’s where we first met our host family.


While she was diving us to our new home, we discuss some rules and introduced ourselves. She showed us the area and helped us with our oyster card. Later we went home. Me and my roommate Gunnar checked out our new home for the next 2 months and tried to set ourselves up.

In the evening we met up with two friends, which host family is about 20 minuets away. We showed them the area, ate some burgers, looked what the nearest supermarket has in store and talked about our new host family and their homes.

Gunnar and I used the rest of the day to get some sleep, cause both of us were pretty tired after the flight. And so our first day in London ends, but many more to come.

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