Look Right!!!

Hi girls ’n boys,


Second day in Dublin and I already had to work. That was yesterday and it was pretty exhausting. It takes me one hour to get to work and another to get back. The work I had to do by now, was quite boring. I hope this will change over time. I will keep you updated on this. The company basically has two offices for 20 to 30 people each. Nevertheless it was relatively quiet.

Old Habits

Today I got hit by a car. Ok, not really, but in the past days there have been some situations where I did not expect the car to come from this side of the road. I really have to adapt to that.


I think you read enough about our apartment from my roommates (especially from Maik). Sadly I have to agree with him on this one. Luckily our floor is almost dried.

I hope you all have a great time.



Chapter 1: Arrival, surprise and exploring Belfast

Hello guys!

At first I have to apologize for my 0815-english, but I think it is readable… ^^

Well, I think I should start with a short explanation why I’m blogging and why about Belfast.
One part of my apprenticeship is a 8 weeks lasting internship in a foreign country, in my case it is Northern Ireland, more exact in the city of Belfast. During this time all of the internship participants (we were divided to Dublin, Belfast and Barcelona) had to blog their experiences at work and free time in another portal and we had to do this in english language. Therefore, in order to prevent that nearly nobody reads my blog (who reads blogs anyway? xD) and my work is for nothing, I’ll post it here too… I’ll try to keep this as interesting as possible, promise! ^^

Yesterday started our adventurous journey to Belfast in Northern Ireland. I was so excited about the flight – I’m freaking LOVE to fly!!! I’m afraid that the flight was too short! Then, in Dublin, we took the bus to Belfast. On the road I saw many really beautiful landscapes with all its mountains and green meadows. Coming along with all the blooming cherry trees, the partly clouded sky and the school uniform wearing pupils it reminds me a bit of Japan. xD

Finally in Belfast we met our contact person Kevin Shine and we moved into our houses/apartments were we split into three groups. Friedrich, Riccardo and I had chosen the three men apartment and it IS awesome in fact! Here it comes: The apartment has 2 bedrooms with large beds, 2 little sweet balconies, 2 nice bathrooms – one with a shower and one with a bathtub – and an epic kitchen. Some of the numerous mirrors and windows are dirty but that are peanuts compared to the fact that we have a great chimney in the living room and a washing machine and a dishwasher in the kitchen, not to mention the breathtaking view of the city of Belfast and the mountains on the horizon from one of the balconies. Based on these facts, the whole situation reminds of a holiday trip by now.
Later this evening we walked around the area and did our first buying. After this we had a meal and watched a funny movie called „Sexdrive“.

The next morning starts with a light breakfast. Afterwards we decided to explore the city and go on a few more errands like mobile phone cards and an UMTS-Stick. After a relaxed walk through the city and wondering glances of the numerous sights, especially the pretty girls (and they ARE sights in fact! xD), we found the shops where we can get the phone cards and the UMTS-Stick. The weather, against all expectations, was pretty nice in the afternoon by the way.

Back in our apartment we configured a small ad-hoc network with the UMTS-Stick. In the evening we cooked a meal (pork escalope with mixed vegetables and pasta), relaxed a bit in front of the chimney and finally we wrote the blog. Now it is time to go to bed at last.

the self-timer was too short timed xD

… To be continued…

Arrival and first day

Hey all,
yesterday was the day of our great travel to Belfast.
Our flight was dead in time and we arrive in Dublin 12.45 local time.
Then we bought bus tickets to Belfast and on our trip we saw the wonderful landscape and cities.
As we reached the end of the line, our contact person Kevin Shine picked us up and bring us to our apartments.
I live with Steffen and Friedrich in an apartment which is located in the south of Belfast.
Our view from our 2 balconies is breathtaking, the rooms are great and our 2 bathrooms are big.
In the evening we solved our first problem, the fuse is blown as we turned the light on. We called Kevin to help us and 10mins later he was on the ground and tell us what we can do to solve the problem. Then we ate something and watched a film.
K.O. from this day we went sleep.

Today we did all shopping and discovered the city. We bought new netcards for our mobile phones
and an UMTS-stick. Because we have 3 laptops and 1 stick, we practice to setup an ad-hoc net.
Then we cook us a warm meal and write this blog entry.
Greetz Riccardo


Hey guys,
Today its the second day in Belfast. Yesterday we had a comfortable trip to Ireland. The flight was easy and on the bustour we saw nice landscapes and cute cities (…and girls) from Dublin to Belfast was also wonderfull. Kevin picked us up in the city-center and brought us to the flat. With Riccardo and Steffen together we moved into a greatfull luxurious apartment. The house is locatet in the south of belfast where a lot of villas are. So I think its a very secure place to live and when I smoke a cigaret on one of the two balconies the magnificent view is breathtaking.

view from our balcony

Today we went to the city-center to do shopping some basic stuff for our flat. After this hard shoppingtour we relaxed a bit on our couches in front of a nice chimney. During I went jogging to the house where five of our other guys live, my flatmates Steffen and Riccardo prepared the meal. I changed phonenumbers with Constantin and the people from class FSZ85. When I was back at home I took a shower. We ate some paste and now we all sit together in the livingroom and write our textes for the blog.
All in all it was a great start in Ireland and I hope that the practical training will be also great. On friday I have my jobinterview and I hope it will be good.
Greetz Friedrich

Belfast here!

Hi everybody,

the end of my second day in Belfast is not far off. Two interesting days. On monday we arrived at Dublin airport and went to Belfast by bus. There we met our project manager Kevin Shine (very nice guy by the way) and he showed us the appartments. My mate David and myself living together with 3 spanish guys. The first room we saw was the living – room full of balloons.  I think this could be very funny with these guys ^^

The appartment

Today David and I discovered the city and found some nice places and pubs 😉 My job interview for translink is on friday, so we have enough time to settle in. Tomorrow I will visit some football grounds in Belfast and will present it to you by showing some pictures.

Thats all so far …!

First sign of live

Hi everybody,

Finally we got our Internet connection so we can actually start writing articles in this blog.

Yesterday, we arrived at Belfast at about 17 o’clock after taking the bus at 14 o’clock in Dublin. The appartement I’m living in is great. I’m sharing it with my collegue Mr. Boese and some spanish guys. The room is small but I feel comfortable with it. Getting access to the internet was quite easy 😉 . We got an UMTS stick from O² after discovering the city in ridiculous 5 hours ^^. Here are some Pictures of the house in Delhi Street, Belfast:

Tomorrow there will be my job interview for Nitec which is the company I’m going to start working next monday. Kevin Shine, who’s responsible for the organisation of all participating students (yes here I’m traded like a stundent and OSZIMT is called a „College“) is going to pick me up and drive me to this interview. I hope that the guys from Nitec are satisfied with my appearance.

I think thats all I can report until now.

Arrival and first day @ work

Moin all together,

we arrived on Monday the 10th of May @ 12:30 o’clock. It was a great flight for me, maybe because it was the first I eveer made 😉 (Videos of flight and landing may be comming soon). Our Appartments are… okay… , our floor was flooded with water the first day and until now we are still walking in muddy carpet. Many things which you need on a daylie basis are’n there, for example Toilet paper or Soap.

My first day @ work has just passed and I have to say, I’m already missing my work in Berlin. I have to work from 9:00 to 18:00 o’clock and need 1 hour from my apartment to work and again 1 hour from work to my apartment. In fact there is no time to by anything on workdays because the stores are mostly closed at 18:00 o’clock. But I don’t want to switch the apartment because I would’t be able wo live with my collegues. By the way, I have to design a Website für BloomBPO (Business Process Outsourcing).

Lets see what kind of freaky surprises the rest of the 8 weeks hold for us.

Till then, Tim.

My first day at the Africa Centre…

Good Morning to everyone,

this will be my first day to work at the Africa Centre. I have to take the LUAS from Fatima to Abbey Street where the Africa Centre is, so I am a lucky guy, because it is only something around ten minutes drive.

So, I am back from work. Of coure, what else, I reached the Africa Centre at 9:30, 10:00 was arranged, whereby the person who I should ask for was not there, so the coordinator of the Africa Centre, called Eric, welcomed me and introduced me what the Africa Centre is doing and what I am going to do there during my internchip for eight weeks.

The office is very very small but there are looking forward to expand their organisation with new rooms to have more space to work and a place for young people, not only africans, to be together. Unfortunately, the owner of the building is not in Dublin up to and including August.

I think it is enough for today, so see you soon, bye bye 🙂

My first days in Dublin

Hi, folks!

Yesterday we arrived at Dublin-Airport, shortly after a haulage firm drove us to our
apartments, called „Herberton Apartments“.
The apartments look nice at large and have everything we need  to live here for 2 months.
We have 2 bedrooms for 4 people, 2 bathrooms, a balcony and 1 livingroom with a kitchen.
The weather keeps up and the irish folks give a pleasant impression.
In the evening we set up our rooms an made the first „bulk purchases“.

Today Leo and I had a holiday, because our internship starts on wednesday.
So we used this day to scout Dublin and our environs.
We went by tram in the city and made the second „bulk purchases“.
In addition I bought a square trousers for my first business day.
Now I have written enough for today and will get hungry.

See you soon!

Greetz, Chriz

ps: every time I will load up a new pic…

City of Dublin