Hi reader,
today I will introduce you to my daily tasks at the Capita office. As an example I will just use the typical monday morning. Well, after the first few chats about the weekend activities and other events including our servers and services, we get to start. Every day starts with a check if every server did proper backups over the night. If these backups fail we even have to pay big penalties to our contract partners.
The next step will be clearing out CAPS – our alert System. This contain all alerts from all school servers at once, completely unfiltered. So it can happen that it has about 10000 entries over the weekend. Most of them could be false alerts but we have to check anyways to be 100% sure. In CAPS you can see exactly from which school and server the alerts are from. Also there is a short description about the problem, like shown here below. Most of the time I will just connect remote on the server and check for services to be up, free disk space, if the UPS functions properly etc. by my self.
Things we can not fix remotely or which are not done immediately will be forwarded to our ticket system CSM. The tickets are called „calls“ there. Normally things like broken HDD’s or UPS which need a local technician land in this queue.
So, thats all for today.