Hi folks,
On Thursday was an appointment which I organized with a woman of my workplace. Her name is Christelle. She is from France and also lives for a longer time in Germany. Christelle asked for other peoples who want to join us. That is why I asked in the afib group if anybody want to go out with Christelle and I. Marlon and Robert came with us to Lavery’s. If you a reader of this blog, you probably know Lavery’s. If not, Lavery’s is a famous pub here in Belfast, where you can play pool billiard. I think it is the only pub, where you can play pool, but I don’t know it exactly.
It was very good that we met us on Thursday, because it was very easy to found a table which was not busy.
We played pool in teams. Robert and Marlon played against Christelle and I. Christelle asked before we started who wants to lose the game. I decided to play with Christelle but I wanted to win the game. Think positive told I to her.
After a couple of games, our table was a little bit broken, because the balls sticked in the table. We had to go to the barkeeper and asked for help. The process repeated every round. So I asked the barkeeper, if it is possible to get a free game. And… we got 3 extra games for free. It was awesome and better than I expected.
At 22:54 pm I would like to order 4 Jägermeister for us to celebrate Marlon’s Birthday. But it was so expensive, so I decided to buy only one Jägermeister for Marlon. By the way I asked the barkeeper for a special price for somebody who has birthday. The barkeeper surprised me… he said: You get one bottle of sparkling wine for free, but I need your ID for it. That was again better than I expected.
I got Marlon’s ID. He was a little bit confused and asked me why I need his Id. I said to him that is a secret. Give me 5 minutes and you get a present.
Finally Christelle and I won more games as Marlon and Robert, but I think it was little bit lucky… They wanted too much and played several times the black ball into a false whole, so we won very easy without much to do.
It was a very good evening. Especially we talked the whole evening in English. I really hope we will repeat the appointment.

Special thanks to Christelle, Marlon and Robert.
Only 12 days left.
We will see each other soon!
You have negotiated a good discound. How much Jägermeister in Belfast ?
Hi Jürgen,
Sorry, but I couldn’t remember exactly. I think I had to pay 4 or 5 pounds for one Jägermeister.