It’s very unusual in my position to visit a school more than one time but at this stage we visit the school in Downpatrick the third time.
Last week like I mentioned we replace the old AP’s with the new ones. Today our task is to check the coverage of the whole school again to see if all the new AP’s working properly. While testing the coverage there was a man from C2k a company who worked for the schools and payed Capita to work for the schools. He arrives with a bag full of electronic devices to check if the WLAN can manage all types of devices. He uses an iPad, iPhone, Windows phone, Kindle, Microsoft tablet and some other devices. Totally all worked fine and also the Apple devices that had problems connecting to the old AP’s in cause of some mistakes caused by Apple while creating the new OS 9.3.1 for their devices. One bug in the software caused a replacement of 37 AP’s by £320 each. Not only because of that I hate Apple 🙂

See ya 🙂