where work is concerned…

Hi folks!
The whole last week, we have to test 2 more websites (hostelworld.com and bedandbreakfastworld.com).
Now I explain, how we proceed:
– We get a Excel table with a lot of listed bugs (about 200-400 bugs) for a specific website.
– Leo an I split the list, we organise our own workload.
– The list contains the bug ID, the reporter, a short summary of the bug, the priority and the status.


ID Sev Pri Reporter Status Resolution Summary Retest Status
5277 blo P1 Kristen Bourrillion NEW No availability showing

when there is availability

– We use a tool, it is called Bugzilla to create bugs and retest bugs.
– We enter the ID at Bugzilla and get the complete information of the bug.
– Now we check, if the issue is still remains.
– As a last resort, we give a retest status for the bug.

Later more about work…
Greetz to Germany,

See the Cliffs of Moher

Hey all!

My girlfriend and me left the visitation of our instructor very early, because we had a trip to the Cliffs of Moher from Saturday to Sunday.

We set the alarm to half past 5am to get started for our visit. We left the apartment at half past 7am and took the LUAS to Abbey Street to take the GoBus directly to Galway.

These Buses are very cool, because they are clean, fast and have WLan on board, which we didn’t use, but it’s a nice feature. Instead of surfing the internet, we used the bus journey to see beautiful landscapes of Ireland from Dublin to Galway.

By all appearances Ireland isn’t the country of sheep. On our journey we saw much more cows than sheep. I don’t know, perhaps the sheep are only in special regions.

The bus journey to Galway took 2 hours 30 minutes. We arrived at Galway unknowingly when the bus to Doolin starts, because the information we found is from 2009. Fortunately, we only had to wait 45 minutes.

We utilized the free time to have breakfast and to purchase some medication for my girlfriend, because she felt getting sick. Safety first!

The bus from Galway to Doolin wasn’t as good as the GoBus, but the bus driver was awesome. At beautiful places he drove slowly and he organized a transport to our accommodation, because the bus stop is 4km away. This bus journey took 1 hour and 35 minutes, all in all we spent 6 hours to get from our apartment to our accommodation for the night.


We moved into our room and slept for an hour, because we were so tired.

We tumbled up and decided to hike to the Cliffs of Moher to see the landscape instead of calling a taxi. Unfortunately the way to the Cliffs is longer as we expected.

After 2 hours hiking we needed a break and something to eat. We found a bar and it was really delicious.

We were prepared for the next 2 hours, which we had to hike to reach the Cliffs.

Finally, we reached our arrival point, after hiking 3-4 hours on normal streets in towns, farm tracks and country roads, which was sometimes very dangerous, because some roads are very curvy, so some car drivers didn’t see us walking.

The Cliffs of Moher are very impressive. So massive and beautiful. Have a look to the pictures.

We wanted to see the sunset, sadly we had to leave. I mentioned before, that my girlfriend felt getting sick and the hike finished her off. It wasn’t so bad, because the weather was very cloudy and it wasn’t possible to see a lovely sunset.

We were very surprised that the taxi back to our accommodation only cost 20 €. Afterwards it was nevertheless a nice hike for such a long time without seeing any other people on few ways.

The next morning my girlfriend had 38°C, therefor we did nothing except sleeping and waiting for our bus back to Dublin. Nothing special more happened on Sunday.

So see you soon and take care!

PS: Have a lot more pictures, on request, don’t want to spam^^

Back @ work again


After a very interesting weekend (Pary in our house again), I started another week at Nitec. Things haven’t changed yet, so I’m doing the same tasks as usual. Installing PC’s, waiting on more interesting jobs to come in. I would prefer to tell you something interesting but there is simply nothing to tell about. So don’t be confused about me writing more about my weekends and fun stuff. It is just no use to keep telling about my work if nothing happens. I tried to upload some photos of my workplace and the journey, but the Internet at our house was too slow, so I stopped the upload process. Maybe this evening it will be more successful. But please do not think that I am not happy to work here. All the employees are very friendly and treat me like an equal. I feel very comfortable here and I am pleased to be here. Every day someone’s picking me up at the railwaystation by car, that I do not have to go by feet. It’s just unfortunate that no interesting jobs are coming in.

Now, I am just waiting for this working week to end because on Friday my girlfriend’s going to visit Belfast for the first time. It’s going to be a good weekend because of Mr. Schlenger coming to Befast as well and the Fifa World Cup’s begin on Friday. So let’s see if the weather keeps being great like in the past.




Hello friends, how you doing?

My work is…let’s call it tiring.
(skip it if you don’t like those boring stuff)

I often got nothing or not a hell of a lot to do, except click-copy-paste-click-click-copy-paste…
The main problem is that this company is primary telephone-supporting. I talked a few times with my adviser (which is really the only unsympathetic guy in here) about joining a technician while visiting customers. He always told me stupid explanations why I couldn’t join one , such as „you need a CMI-shirt and blablabla“. Don’t get me wrong, CMI is really a nice small company but not a great option for trainees.
I fairly often try to talk with my co-workers to improve my listening and speaking skills.
Think they really like me and they enjoy learning simple german interjections. Except of this I really feel bored and take the free time for selfstudying like reading a book for CCSP (- Security Professional) or learn a few more things about SQL.

Let’s talk about really annoying things.

Wake up toys! The exhausting work-story is finished…for the moment.
So what about my great living community…
I’m the only one who’s cleaning the floors or something else, I’m the only person who cares about the dish washing and I don’t understand those guys!
One of them is sitting the whole day in his room, goes to bed at 9-10pm and stand up around 7:30am. This stupid tard placed one of his empty cornflake packages filled with wa**ing stuff right behind the kitchen garbage (THERE IS A TRASH BARREL just 5meters away outside the door!). I was nearly going enrage, after i’ve had to put the garbage out!
The other one is always going out to partys and discos but also crying about a lot of debits. Think he’s never heard of shaving too.
Finally my third great flatmate: Yesterday he was told to put a chicken kiev into the oven, a few minutes later he’ve told me about  a „finished“ meal.
I were really wondering about that and went down the stairs, saw the chicken at the table, the oven where already turned off and he told me „enjoy your meal!“ and started eating.
Yes, listen: the complete chicken kiev where raw. Sometimes I’m wondering how people like this one are able to survive, I really don’t know.

Without Oliver’s support I’m going crazy in this „living community“/house.

If this post is to offensive, delete it! But sometimes there are things which really have to be pointed out!

Let’s talk business

A big warm Hello to all my loyal readers (as if I have any 😉 )

On thursday I talked to Chris about how some of us write their blog entries very infrequently. I am one of them too. Sometimes I am not motivated to write something and other times I simply forget that I have to…

But fortunately Mr. Bavar visited us at Web Reservations International on thursday too. We talked for a while then and on friday everyone went for a drink. But after hitting the gym I didn’t feel like going out, so I stayed at home. (had I known that Sebastian would be there, I would probably have overcome myself – you gotta tell me such things buddy 😉 )

Mr. Bavar also reminded us that we agreed to write articles more regularly and more about work-related topics as well. He is right, we are here to improve our English language skills, to learn about work methods in another country and about similarities and differences.

So let’s talk business!

At Web Reservations International Chris and I work in the test department. Currently they have 5 traveling sites online on which you can get information about your preferred travel locations, can buy travel guides and can book hostels, hotels and even tours.

Chris and I check these sites for bugs and after having finished most of that showed some initiative of our own and offered to improve the translations on some of the German language sites. This idea was happily welcome by Philip, our superior in the test department. We finished this task very fast and are back to testing and reporting bugs once again.

In the next article I will tell you more.

So stay tuned…

Maik’s blog entrys

Well, no problem Maik. I’ll check my RSS Feeds and post some of your entrys.
Sometimes i really feel like the saver of the nation (:
The First Day
Montag, Mai 10th, 2010

Our arriving was good and without any problems.
We drive at first in our apartments and then we were in the SWAN – Institute, where we got our bus-tickets and details for our companies and so on.
After that we purchase foods.

But than …
We go back to the apartments and there was the floor under water.
Now, stands a dehydrator in the floor. This will be dry in two days, hopefully.


The Apartments are shit.

The washbasin is a pure misconstruction, therefore the flooded floor.

The shower is very dirty. We want this disinfect for now.
Than, the heating in the living room don’t work.

We have too few cabinets in the room. I currently share a half cabinet with Alex. The other side is occupied by waterlines.

The washing machines are in the seventh floor and there are three mashines. One of these are damaged and the room and so on is very dirty.
All things looks very used.

So, I think that was it.

Hi at all!

Until now I have worked four days. And these days were very nice!

I work at the company, who is called “Computer Doctor”. They support users, repair notebooks and desktops from the user.
My work time is pretty fine, from 8 or 9am (flexible) to 2pm. But then Peter (my chef) give me more work home with.
I work with one another from the class together, is called Tino. And we have two projects:
The first project is create a database, because they are still working with notes. And then we create forms which going to integrated in Access. At the moment we work with a touchscreen pc to prepare for the Database and forms.

Sometimes comes Brain (this is the Boss of the company) into the room and screams: “Germans, bloody germans. I hate Germans”, or something.

It’s really funny most of the time.

So, that was it at first.


… gone

I have no clue how it could happen, but all my messages are gone. 🙁 Except the last one.

I want to try reproduce the entries, or I just write a longer one. I don’t know…
And now I save my enties. 😉

See you then.

work and spare time

Hi @ all,

the first piece of good news is, that we finished our CISCO project (bgp over mpls) last week.

There was a nasty snag that we solved after taking a tip from a co-worker, but now the network is running and the people here were impressed. Now we are positioned in the service desk of the northern irish goverment, although we don’t answer calls or anything, the reason is that we’re now close to our co-workers and we have to speak more english than before. Sometimes we have the chance to go with a colleague to some outposts to fix some problems (to replace a switch etc.)

The next piece of good news is, that I saw the Giants Causeway. Steffen, Friedrich and me took a bus tour to a few of the sights where we saw the hexagonal stones of the Giants Causeway. That was really impressive and the landscape was so beautiful. We saw an old castle and a distillery (Bushmills – the oldest distillery around the world) too. We also crossed a small suspension bridge to a small island (which name i have forgotten =/) . The water around the island was dreamlike, it was as clear as crystal and reminded me of the caribbean.

We were lucky on the day, because the sun was shinning all the time. (We were away for approximately 12 hours). In the evening we were exhausted but Friedrich and Steffen couldn’t get enough and went into a pub to let the day fade away.


There’s no news

Hi folks!
The weekend passed, like the last weekends. On Friday we went to a club („twenty one“) with some peers of the other apartments,
we drank several alcoholic drinks and enjoyed the music. On Saturday we made our own „pub-crawl“ with our best friends „Guinness“ and „Bulmers“,
incidently we followed the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 at TV. But the weather wasn’t on our side this weekend and I got soaked to the skin, but on Monday when we were also at a club, I took along my German umbrella. Only the umbrella was after a few minutes completely soppy.
Later more about the rainy days in Dublin.

Greetz to Germany!

our district
view from our balcony
view from our balcony
our district 🙂
sign in a pub
sign in a pub

Arbeit! Arbeit!

Moin everyone,

because lee alread told you about our Weekend )hopefully, I didn´t read his Blog so far) I don´t have much things to tell you. Work is the same, this friday I´m going to present the template for Joomla wich I have created in the past few days. Hope John (my Boss) likes it. Anyway I´m looking forward to the next Weekend, I promised myself not to spend mony on anything else than food in this week so I can save some money wich is rare enough for us here in Dublin.

My next Blog will come on Monday evening because we have a long Weekend this time here in Irland and we don´t have to work on monday.

c u soon,
