St. George’s Market

Yesterday we went to the famous St. George’s Market. It is known for its multicultural food, arts and live music. I thought it would be an ‚open-air‘ market, but it’s fully covered. Besides I heared that this place is known for its food festivals, bigger music events and some other exhibitions.

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How To Survive In Ireland: #2 – Rain

Dear Reader,

welcome again to How to Survive in Ireland!
One thing you will experience a lot here in Northern Ireland is rain. So in this article I will show you everything you need to know about how to be perfectly prepared in the case of rain. „How To Survive In Ireland: #2 – Rain“ weiterlesen

The Trip

Dear Readers,

I want to tell you something about my last weekend. It starting off with Saturday morning. So at 8:30 am the parents of Lukas picked us up to go on a whole day journey to the coast of Northern Ireland. The weather was very good, but I knew it could  change from one to the other moment.

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No clouds at all

Today was alot of sunshine in Belfast I saw no cloud on the sky at all. It’s so beautiful to see a clear blue sky after weeks of rain, rain even more rain and some hail. Okay there was some sunshine befor but most of the time there is rain or hail and such a clear sky as today was not even to think of. two day ago, on way to work I saw a drain witch became a fontain that was kinda funny.

Street fontain

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