Hi, I want to give you a small update of what going on in Belfast, „Played more Video Games“ weiterlesen
Autor: Gerrit Kupper
What happend
The last few days I’ve got very interested in German politic, of course I heard about the scandal of Jan Böhmermann and that was kinda the reason why I started to watch a lot of German satire but I also followed the talks about Jan and got more and more interested in whats going on. „What happend“ weiterlesen
Improved the Windows 8.1 image
After some problems at the beginning I finally got the Windows 8.1 image I was working on to do exactly what I want. „Improved the Windows 8.1 image“ weiterlesen
Walk though the park
I just walked though the park to take some pictures and relaxed a bit. In one of my older entrys I already posted some pictures of the Botanic Garden, but now I went to the park again and took some more pictures. „Walk though the park“ weiterlesen
Went out with the colleagues
It’s sounds so esay
Today I’ve finally got the image I was working on to run.
The biggest problem that I’ve got was that I needed a lot of time, because it took more then 8 hours just to create the iso file, so what I did was I prepared the settings with Winreducer at home and just started the image creation process at work but even that was not enough. „It’s sounds so esay“ weiterlesen
Borrito of doom
Yesterday Sebastian and me went to lidl again after this we visit boojum and I ate a borrito…. „Borrito of doom“ weiterlesen
Just gameing
today I recived a parcel from berlin with some snacks and spices in it. Thanks you mother 🙂 „Just gameing“ weiterlesen
No clouds at all
Today was alot of sunshine in Belfast I saw no cloud on the sky at all. It’s so beautiful to see a clear blue sky after weeks of rain, rain even more rain and some hail. Okay there was some sunshine befor but most of the time there is rain or hail and such a clear sky as today was not even to think of. two day ago, on way to work I saw a drain witch became a fontain that was kinda funny.

Walked through the city
today I was walking through the city to get some nice snapshots but also to find some intressting places. I walked to the city centre from there I was running aimlessly through the city till I found the Sony Centre. „Walked through the city“ weiterlesen