Finally Back Home


I’m baaack. Back in Germany, back in Berlin, back home. This will be my last blog entry and a summary how the last 8 weeks were. The last 8 weeks were one of the hardest but also one of the greatest time in my life. I saw so many fantastic and exciting places. I learned so much at Anaeko and former colleagues of the Afib became friends of mine. But now the time is over and I can move forward but I think I also have to be very thankful. I’m not the kind of a**kisser but to my mind some persons should I mention. Of course I have to thank my company in Germany the „Freie Universität Berlin“, as part of the Afib, that they gave all of us the opportunity to move aboard to a country were we maybe never return to. I think a lot of people dream to work aboard and we got the opportunity and for that I’m very thankful. I also have to thank Colm and the whole Anaeko team, that I had the opportunity to work for there company and for all the trust they had in me. And last but not least I should thank Max for not killing me during our eight weeks together in one room. Just recognize: This crazy guy endured for eight weeks in a room with myself and went almost every day to the sport with me. Not even I would endure that. Thanks for not strangling me during I slept.

So what did I on my first day back in Germany? My parents brought my car to the airport because they had to go to Leipzig and I had the opportunity to drive car again. I brought Max home so that he didn’t had to go home by S-Bahn. After that I went to my girlfriend and surprised her. And after all business was done I went to my favorite kebab shop, got myself a kebab and sat into the garden of my parents and just relaxed until they arrived from Leipzig. In the evening we made barbecue and I went back to Berlin in my apartment and saw my housemate again. Tomorrow we have school so with time moving forward everything will be back to normal soon.

All in all I can say I really enjoyed the time aboard. Will I return to Belfast one day? I don’t know yet maybe for holiday but absolutely not for living aboard. Don’t misunderstand me in the last eight weeks I had a really great time and I learned a lot of things but the most important thing I learned is the a famous catchphrase of Germany is absolutely true: „Zuhause ist es immer noch am schönsten“. And Germany is my home.

