Finishing the work

Yesterday I had finished the detailed list about what is missing at the helpdesks. It took me about half an hour until I got everything together. After that I controlled if I had listed everything I need. I edited my list because I had forgot to include microphones that are needed at every helpdesk. The next problem was, that the students had left all their rubbish in the cupboards. „Finishing the work“ weiterlesen

Giant’s Causeway tour

On Saturday we have done the Giant’s Causeway tour. It was a really beautiful day, perfect for a longer trip. We booked a tour online that goes around the coast of Belfast.  The first stop was Bushmills. But not for the Bushmills Whiskey distillery. The bus driver made a stop, so that everybody could go to the toilet before we continued our trip to the Giant’s Causeway.  „Giant’s Causeway tour“ weiterlesen