Giant’s Causeway Tour


Today’s blog entry will not have so much text. I think pictures will show you more than I describe in words. So what did we do today? As you can read in the heading: We did a Giant’s Causeway tour. Or to be more precise, we did a bus tour along the Antrim Coast. „Giant’s Causeway Tour“ weiterlesen

The tale of Dominik B., King of Dublin

Once upon a time, a reckless group of German interns residing in Belfast decided to visit Dublin. It was a cold Saturday morning but they were all very excited for the trip. Their vehicle arrived early and it took only around 2 hours until they arrived in Dublin. But they were fools and did not make any plans on what to do in Dublin! So they just started to walk down the large road. They did not know their journey would take some unexpected turns… „The tale of Dominik B., King of Dublin“ weiterlesen

Off we go, way to the south

We came back recently from Dublin and it really was an interesting adventure.

The tour started at 8:30 a.m which is very early concerning it is Saturday.None the less we all gathered at the right time, and went for a 2h journey in the bus. Enough time for me to take a quick nap. „Off we go, way to the south“ weiterlesen


After considering the title „Uphill“ before, this time it’s more than well-deserved that it opens up this article. Saturday we went up the mountain and it was exhausting as well as rewarding. The view was great and probably more than 500 pictures were taken at the top of the mountain. My personal favorites are shown below.

„Uphill“ weiterlesen

our little mountain climb

So, today was one of the most active days I’ve ever had in the last years. Our group thought about climbing up a Mountain in the north-eastern part of Belfast. At first I thought what could be so special about this Mountain that we want to spend nearly a whole day on it, but as we arrived I saw the mountain in itself and realized: oh, this is going to be a really… funny trip . „our little mountain climb“ weiterlesen

Spending quality time with animals

We didn’t plan to go to the zoo before we inAwestarted this journey. We didn’t even know there was a zoo. On the day of our arrival in Belfast we drove by a sign that advertised it. Props to whoever hung it there. The tourist attraction worked on us. We went to the zoo. What you see on the left is a little greenhouse located there. (Finally adequate temperatures!)


„Spending quality time with animals“ weiterlesen