Today we met at 10 a.m. at the Interneurope office to get some information about our stay. First, we were introduced to the city of Belfast with a small video. Furthermore, we got a lot of information what we have to pay attention to, what rules we should follow and what we can do in our spare time. After we clarified a few more formalities, we were led around in the city. On the tour we got some more tips on how we can spend our free time, in an inexpensive way. Finally we arrived at translink, where you could buy a ticket for the bus and the train. „Meeting with Interneurope“ weiterlesen
Schlagwort: taxi
„First we eat, then we do everything else.“
(quote from M.F.K. Fisher)
2nd of April in 2018:
Today the rain woke me up.

The first sleep in a strange bed is unfamiliar. I usually slept but not enough, because I used to get up at 5 a.m. at home. Therefore I can´t sleep until 9 or 10 a.m. except when I am exhausted.
The room has two beds, two commodes, a desk and a wardrobe. One aspect, which bothers me a little bit is the space in the room. If I want to leave the room, I have to go sideward between the bed and the commodes to reach the door. All in all, I would say it has modest furniture. I know, I shouldn´t complain because it could have been worse. My mother often says: That is enough for a student to live.