„Remember: Enjoy your life today, because yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come.“

(quote from Alan Coren)

25th of May in 2018:

Work was relaxed today because a colleague allowed me to leave earlier from work because there was just one colleague left in the office. I informed my supervisor by writing an email and left at 1 p.m. At home, I tried it one more time at the post office nearby our accommodation. I was lucky things didn’t turn out worse. I missed the collector for the parcels, but the staff gave me a discount of 10% for my 7 kg large package. That’s why my box will be sent on next Tuesday because Monday is a Bank holiday. „„Remember: Enjoy your life today, because yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come.““ weiterlesen

„Sports do not build character. They reveal it.“

(quote from John Wooden)

22nd of May in 2018:

At work, I continued the task, which needs to be finished. In the afternoon Jenny and I tried to send our parcels to Germany. First we decided to use Hermes, but unfortunately, we didn’t have a label from Hermes because we thought it is a Hermes shop, where the labels will be printed out. However, the shop owner apologised, and we had to left the shop. My parcel was quite heavy however we had to walk home again. „„Sports do not build character. They reveal it.““ weiterlesen

„Winter is coming.“

(quote from Game of Thrones)

20th of May in 2018:

Our awaited ‚Game of Thrones‘ (GoT) tour took place today. This Sunday started early, but fortune wasn’t with us. First of all, I was exhausted. Second Son and I left the house quite early, but Google Maps or the GPS from my phone had some errors. My ’smartphone‘, which was stupid this time, navigated us to the wrong location. We had to run to the bus, which was exhausting. By the way, Son doesn’t have mobile data so he couldn’t help. Ten mins too late, we arrived the bus. Robert also joined this tour, cause he is such a huge fan of this series. „„Winter is coming.““ weiterlesen

I Missed The Rain….

The weather was perfect for a relaxed Sunday.

It was raining with a maximum of 15 °C and it was so cloudy that we needed to turn on the lights during the day. I really don’t like this kind of weather and especially the less daylight because it feels like that the day doesn’t even starts.

„I Missed The Rain….“ weiterlesen

My first time cooking

After I came back from work, I had to go outside again, because I was cooking today and needed some ingredients. Honestly, I can not cook at all and apart from the fact that I’ve been warming up a few things so far, I have not cooked anything yet. Anyway, today my ‚dear with apprentices’ has forced me to cook samosas. For those who do not know samosas, they are stuffed dumplings, originally from India. „My first time cooking“ weiterlesen

„Prison itself is a tremendous education in need of patience and perseverance. It is above all a test of one’s commitment.“

(quote from Nelson Mandela)

13th of May in 2018:

Another sunny day in Belfast. I can’t stand the warm temperature anymore. I even got epistaxis or well-known as the nosebleed. Having breakfast, uploading some blog entries and watching series started my Sunday. „„Prison itself is a tremendous education in need of patience and perseverance. It is above all a test of one’s commitment.““ weiterlesen

„There is nothing special in the world, nothing magic, just physics.“

(quote from Chuck Palahniuk)

First of all, I recognise that my blog entries are short. I am sorry for it, but nothing special happens during the week, where I can write a lot of content about it. Maybe I got used to the life here, and not many things surprise me anymore. I think because of that.
Usually, after work, I go home and have dinner with the others or relax and enjoy my time here. I hope my entries will be longer on the weekend *snicker* ^^‘. „„There is nothing special in the world, nothing magic, just physics.““ weiterlesen

„Networking Engineer by day, grillmaster by night.“

(quote from unknown)

6th of May in 2018:

A long time ago, we planned to have a barbecue because of JDP’s excellent accommodation. The sunny weather suited the best. But first of all Jenny, Phi, Dome and I went to St. George’s Market. We met Tim, Robert and Giuliano there. „„Networking Engineer by day, grillmaster by night.““ weiterlesen