An interesting task on work

At work I got a really interesting task by my boss. He went to migrate a company router from a Sonicwall to a Vigor router from Dreytek.

I got the task to organize and configured the router remotely from our office. The problem was that the Sonicwall has monthly licence costs. The Dreytek has only one-time cost. I got a lot problems with the migration because the Dreytek don’t have so much options liked the Sonicwall from Dell. I wanted to migrate Site to Site VPNs but the Sonicwall gave me les options than I needed. I requested my boss after long attempted and he said these are old routers but the new router no longer needs the VPNs anymore. I requested him about the virtual office at the Sonicwall but he told me that no one needs this. After that I created and configured the VLANs and finished the interface configuration for the Dreytek. After I finished this I talked to my boss and we made an event for the installation with the customers for the next day. I should arrive 20 minutes earlier to work on the next day. And then we will drive to the company.
After work I went to gym with Dominik for a sport session.


After we finished the sport session we went to bed and I’m happy about the next Thursday.

Regards Max