I like jogging. But the first time I made it here in London was on Sunday. I planned my route with the app Komoot. I use the app also for biking and hiking and I can highly recommend it. With the app Runkeeper I tracked my run. It tells you the progress during your walk in accordance with a defined interval of distance or time. „A run“ weiterlesen
Autor: Ben Kemmler
Getting ready – a procedure
After booking tickets for theatre when it was about eleven I was ready to prepare myself. But I did not aim to prepare for a usual city discovery and pack my rucksack. Not that I felt too lazy or did not want to go outside. Conversely it was beyond all question for me to go outside to enjoy it even more or at least high-contrastly. Because it became my first time to go running during my stay here. And embarrassingly it was going to be the first time for me here to do sports in general.
After preparation including drinking, clothing and announcement to my host family or rather their daughter and whatever it had become 11:35 and I was putting my shoes on. I was about to leave when I realized that my key chain was not with me. I began to message Pascal knowing that he would not hear me knocking on the door due to his silence head phones. While writing this entry I am realizing that I could have called him actually. How strange that you sometimes forget such manifest things. Luckily, however, my host brother was on his way to leave our room while I was texting him, anyhow. So I knocked saying his name and that was the way it worked out. After getting my key and going to the restroom I said to Miya, our host family’s daughter laughing: „Now I am really ready to go walking.“ Because before she said „I thought you wanted to go running“.
Tickets for today
I woke up at 8:45-8:50. The first thing I did was to have a look for a theatre play for today’s evening. I looked at a website which is well known for good recommendations and hence often helpful. However, I spent one and a half hours searching, finding recommendations – once even cheap and… was disappointed. I was not too far away from giving up when I got the idea to have a look at the search engine for theatre london today. Of course, there were many results but one of it reminded me of another time when I heard somebody saying it is a good platform. It is also well known for good recommendations – especially in London. Looking for the right filters I found a theatre which’ description looked nice. What is more, it was rated very well. I asked a new acquaintance whether he would join me to this theatre play. There were still a few seats of cheapest class available where prices were really fair. And in deed, after thinking for a short while he accepted.
Arthur’s Seat
My first day in Edinbourgh was very nice. I slept until 9:30 in the morning. When I set myself upright on the bed got to know my new roommate. His name was Shawn and he is from Los Angeles. We began to have a nice and long conversation: He told me of his background to visit Scotland. He finished his time of school last year. By the end of march he went on his way to discover Western Europe. Starting his tour in Berlin he continued through Amsterdam, Paris, Switzerland, Venice, Bologna, Rome and Madrid. From there he also arrived in Edinburgh yesterday. And for tomorrow he planned to continue to London and end his trip on Friday. It felt funny for us to be the only who were occupying our room for six.
As we were both there on our own we decided to discover the city together. „Arthur’s Seat“ weiterlesen
A special rock
Arriving at DocuLand there were already three employees working on the ground floor. We began checking the server state. Our chief arrived and had a conversation with us. He was interested in what we had reached so far. However, he emphasized what point he strives the company to for at long last. That is, a a backup solution with three to four different storages should be there. Loss of data – and only a few – can cause a very expensive penalty. Furthermore, it should be possible to take a snapshot remotely in case of e.g. a terroristic attack that you can’t go locally any more. DocuLand needs to be able to move to somewhere else nevertheless and while being able to start a new server with the same data without bigger circumstances than buying new hardware.
After bringing away some parcels and letters to the post office I discovered a pizza place very close to our office where I went to. As it felt nicely at the place its pizza was also good. The only thing I could criticize was the chili oil bottle of which, which the spill extension was untight. So it was quite challenging to spill oil to the desired points. „A special rock“ weiterlesen
The vault
The plan for today was so far to set up a server for testing purposes on a virtual machine (VMWare 15) running on Louis’ Tablet. For me to be able to connect from my laptop to open the Active Directory and add some group policies and other configuration Louis configured a port forwarding for port 3389 (RDP) on his Tablet.
Later, we did a testimonial setting up an old and unused tower pc (with Core i7 processor) of DocuLand to become a Windows server. To accomplish that we went for an extension of the RAM to 16 GB by adding the two RAM memory modules from a core i5 pc. After the normal start had failed we were trying to let the PC start with a Debian Linux based hypervisor when we realized no success either because of the BIOS built in network card which could not be detected by the hypervisor. A test with the core i5 pc did not work either because of the same issue. Due to that circumstance we needed to wait for our technical contact Rob to ask him for a dedicated network card.
In a conversation with our Chief we were told: In earlier times the rooms were used by two banks after each other. Hence behind the wall behind my desk there is an old vault. However, nobody is allowed to have a look behind the door because of classification of this building as a historical monument.
Furthermore, he described their plan to let the company grow. In that context a server is relevant for the company especially. But also a backup system is quite important for them.
A nice work placement
I started with a powerful breakfast of muesli. That was important for me especially today since it was the first day for me doing my work placement. I left home at 8:15 but unfortunately the train I planned to take had been cancelled.
Arriving at DocuLand I had a little talk to Elif who is the responsible employee for accounting. She was depacking many letters. „A nice work placement“ weiterlesen
In the morning I finished the bread I had bought last week. We met at our agency. An employee did the formalities with us. Then, we were introduced to our work placement in London. I got a sheet with information about the company I was allocated. For the afternoon, there was an interview scheduled. „DocuLand“ weiterlesen
Come from away
On Easter Weekend I had the possibility to visit a musical in London‘s West End theatre district. The theatre where I went to is named Phoenix Theatre. It is located very central. Hence, I went there by a walk of twenty minutes from where I had enjoyed a nice afternoon tea before. „Come From Away“ is higly acclaimed and has won several Tony awards, as I read in TimeOut – London’s city magazine. This musical is about plane passagers that are stranded in Newfoundland due to the airtraffic shutdown on 9/11. I was deeply impressed by the powerful live music and by the incredible actors dancing and singing on stage – what a performance! I will definitely try to discover more musicals during my time in London. This one was just the beginning.
Windsor Castle

On Easter Monday I took the train to go to Windsor Castle. This is where the Queen often spends her weekends. Windsor Castle is situated on River Thames and is often called „British Versailles“. It is worth a visit! You have a nice view from there and all its rooms you get to see including its chapel are really impressive and pretty.
I hired an audio guide there to inform myself about the castle‘s history and the castle itself during my tour in a comfortable way. The weather was so nice outside that I could have stayed there all the time. But the rooms inside were so interesting at the same time that I could not do without them. I recommend everyone to go there once. But you should bring enough time and also visit the town Windsor underneath its castle.