Getting ready – a procedure

After booking tickets for theatre when it was about eleven I was ready to prepare myself. But I did not aim to prepare for a usual city discovery and pack my rucksack. Not that I felt too lazy or did not want to go outside. Conversely it was beyond all question for me to go outside to enjoy it even more or at least high-contrastly. Because it became my first time to go running during my stay here. And embarrassingly it was going to be the first time for me here to do sports in general.
After preparation including drinking, clothing and announcement to my host family or rather their daughter and whatever it had become 11:35 and I was putting my shoes on. I was about to leave when I realized that my key chain was not with me. I began to message Pascal knowing that he would not hear me knocking on the door due to his silence head phones. While writing this entry I am realizing that I could have called him actually. How strange that you sometimes forget such manifest things. Luckily, however, my host brother was on his way to leave our room while I was texting him, anyhow. So I knocked saying his name and that was the way it worked out. After getting my key and going to the restroom I said to Miya, our host family’s daughter laughing: „Now I am really ready to go walking.“ Because before she said „I thought you wanted to go running“.

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