Every year the AFIB sends its trainees to the United Kingdom to take part in an internship abroad and every year, approximately halfway through the internship, it is tradition that the training management pays the trainees a visit. „Meeting with our instructor“ weiterlesen
Autor: Robert Hastädt
Mid placement meeting with interneurope
Today is the first day of the second half of our internship in Belfast. A whole month has gone by like a flash. It didn’t feel that long if I’m honest. Everything has become a bit quieter than in the first weeks. We have settled in and everything is getting more routine. So also at work. „Mid placement meeting with interneurope“ weiterlesen
We are now officially 4 weeks into our placement here in Ireland, which marks the end of the first half for us. Time flew by rather quickly and we’ve been through a lot already. But we aren’t done yet! There are still some things we want to see/experience. „Halftime“ weiterlesen
4th week comes to an end
Four days of working are over and this weekend marks the middle of our stay here in Belfast. For me, the four weeks passed fairly quickly. Mainly because of the good company and because there was always something to do. „4th week comes to an end“ weiterlesen
Server-, NAS- and Client Backups
Normally the work here at Precept-IT is pretty straight forward, but today we got something different to do. „Server-, NAS- and Client Backups“ weiterlesen
Review of the third week
The third week is over now and it seems like we’ve found our rhythm and are getting along well with the Austrians. „Review of the third week“ weiterlesen
St George’s Market
Today Florian, Stefanie and I walked to St George’s Market since it was closed last time Florian and Stefanie were there and because Stefanie found some really nice apple juice we wanted to buy. „St George’s Market“ weiterlesen
Third week in Belfast
The weekend passed quickly and now it’s already the start of the third week here in Belfast. Time flies.
A peaceful ending to the week
Friday marks the end of work and the start of a quite and relaxing weekend.
Review of the first week in Belfast
After just sly over a week it is time to recall what was good, what was bad and what was new.