Mid placement meeting with interneurope

Today is the first day of the second half of our internship in Belfast. A whole month has gone by like a flash. It didn’t feel that long if I’m honest. Everything has become a bit quieter than in the first weeks. We have settled in and everything is getting more routine. So also at work.

This is also the reason we were invited by interneurope to their office this afternoon. Shortly after we arrived and were greeted, it was our task to draw a small interim conclusion about the experiences we’ve gathered over the past weeks, both at work and in the accommodations. The Agency had prepared a small worksheet for us to fill out. After that we had a little question and answer session to see if everything is okay or if someone has something on their heart. This session took more time than expected, because we had to talk about some more things regarding the accommodations too.

All in all the longest meeting we had so far, because there was a lot to clarify and we also had to talk about important documents afterwards.

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