A peaceful ending to the week

Friday marks the end of work and the start of a quite and relaxing weekend.



Returning from our work placements we decided about what to do this weekend. Wasn’t easy to decide, because everyone had different things in mind. After some discussions the winner was an evening of playing Games, watching Films and relaxing in the living room.

After cooking some dinner for the 4 of us, we were joined by Julian to play some Marioparty, Smash Bros and Mariokart on the Nintendo Switch. Felt good to relax a bit after the week.

As Julian left us at around 23 o’clock we decided to watch some movies until late into the night.



On Saturday the others wanted to join a tour through the „Crumbling Road Jail“, whereas I decided to do some grocery shopping in the meantime.

The tour through the jail started shortly after 12 o’clock, so we met at 11am in our kitchen to make a plan for the day.

After around 2 hours me met at our accommodation again where Florian and I decided to go to the city center to withdraw some money, buy controllers for the switch and to look for further kitchen equipment for Sunday.

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