Almost time to say Farewell

In 1 day, 6 hours and 30 minutes I’ll be leaving the UK. At least for a month, since I have plans to meet up with a couple friends in Manchester then. At the start of this internship I was hoping that at the end I would say all these cliche things everyone says after their stay abroad. That I experienced a different culture, had a lot of new experiences and made a lot of new friends. Those same things I said after my stay in Canada seven years ago. That I would look back fondly to my time here.

Unfortunately I don’t feel any of these things.

„Almost time to say Farewell“ weiterlesen

Plans for the rest of the week

So on Saturday at 19:00 UK time our flight is scheduled to depart. We were told by the agency to arrive at the school at 8 am that day, only to wait until 2 pm to take the bus to the airport. Everyone is a bit confused why we need to be there that early, considering Twin doesn’t even open up that early on weekdays and our flight isn’t until 11 hours later. „Plans for the rest of the week“ weiterlesen

The last weekend

So we are finally in the last week of this internship and since it was our last weekend here we decided to celebrate a bit. Around three o’clock on Saturday Julius, me, Nickolas, Steven and Dustin met on the basketball court near me to really get our moneys worth out of those 7£ I spend on a basketball and a football last week. „The last weekend“ weiterlesen

Nearing the final stretch

As of Saturday it is officially only two more weeks until I get to go back home. I must say I wasn’t expecting to look forward to going back this much. This experience in London has unfortunately rarely been a positive one. Apart from a few minor details most everything here is just better at home in Berlin. „Nearing the final stretch“ weiterlesen