My colleague and now roommate Michael told me about this festival, called AVA a few weeks ago already. As the lineup looked quite well and represented the kind of music that I’m into it, I decided to organize some tickets for myself. Lucky me that my fiancé used to print one of the few independent magazines in Germany (proud magazine) and is still publishing articles online, so that we were able to get two press tickets for the festival. The only thing I had to do is writing a little preview and as may be the case a review as well, according on my experiences there.
Schlagwort: music
Let the music flow !!!
I just recognized it is already Wednesday, oh shoot. Time really flies by if you do things you really like (or don’t look at the watch). The second week just started and at the same time it is already ending. I think I need either to do more stuff to keep me busy or think of something useful.
None the less, all this mumbling still doesn’t resolve the title. Well then, let me enlighten you. „Let the music flow !!!“ weiterlesen
Relaxed monday
After I played Ingress and explored Belfast almost the whole weekend; a new week starts. Luckily on mondays the museum is closed for public. Arrived at work we first talked a long time about the still available construction site at home in our bathroom. Alone that would be an article worth. Later that day as we were on our way to the supermarket, Konrad and I randomly came on the subject to buy a new soundsystem for our home, but suddenly our colleagues were so nice to lend us one from their stock. Now we can listen to music from our laptop without the tinny quality. After lunchtime we drove together with a colleague to the Ulster museum to finish some tasks. The first task was only to change the SD card in one of the information tables. As the next task we updated the AntiVirus software on some computers because of the malware known from the weekend. After we had all done our colleague was so nice to bring us home, even the Ulster museum isn’t far away from that. We used the remaining free time to shop and cook some food. Before the day was finally over I had some time to also install some updates on my windows and I could even work on one of my projects.
For translation in german and better quality of the pictures, click here