Cute evening

Today I would like to say something about my previous evening. I went out for my daily workout as usually. First I walked to a supermarket and bought an apple as a snack. Afterwards, I went directly to a park which is near there. As I arrived there I went to the bars and started with my workout. After some minutes a family showed up with their 2 kids. The kids stopped and tried the same things like me. They also asked, if I could show them some workouts. Of course I did and they had a lot of fun. The parents were smiling too.

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It’s getting harder to focus

As I arrived at work today I continued with my tasks, still the same task like 2 weeks before. I am still working on a big project that is very hard. My biggest challenge was that students from all over the world have difficult names and some include umlauts or special characters. I tried a lot to convert every string to a UTF-8 one. I already had tried this last week, but the only thing I got was errors or weird outputs. Today I found another solution online and luckily it worked and now my program is working perfectly.

„It’s getting harder to focus“ weiterlesen

Let’s explore a huge toy store

Today I went out early and took as a bus to the center. Directly at the London Eye I changed the bus to go to the Oxford Street, at least as Google said.

After some minutes of driving with the second bus, it changed the next stop info just to a “*”. As I know already from London buses this means the bus is on diversion, which means the bus is taking another route.


For this reason, I left the bus a bit earlier and walked the remaining part.

As I arrived at the Oxford Street I went to a huge toy store. You have many floors there and in every floor are at least 2 persons, which are playing with the kids (of course with the latest toys). I just looked around there and saw so many happy children.

„Let’s explore a huge toy store“ weiterlesen

Hello London Tower!

Today I left the house early. My plan for the day was to visit the London Tower. To go there I took 2 busses. Luckily, the last bus drove over the Tower Bridge. I also was lucky that the tower bridge was opened at this time, so I had to wait a bit. It was a great view to see the Tower Bridge opened.

Directly behind the Tower Bridge is already the Tower of London. The huge castle with the big park was very impressive. I just took some pictures there and I was thinking about going in, but there were too much people and I’m not a big fan of visiting a castle. In my home town in Germany I have a lot of castles near, so it’s nothing special for me.


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Bargain is the key

Today I went early out and first thing I did was to go at a supermarket to get something to drink for my journey (it was a very warm day). I took as usual the bus directly to the London Eye and after one and a half hour I finally arrived there. First I walked around to get some pictures for my gallery.

„Bargain is the key“ weiterlesen

Finally weekend!

My work was today as usually, nothing special. I continued programming and I had a meeting with a colleague about the project. After the meeting I got a mail.

I got now a mail from my school about the English course. My school doesn’t know what else they can do, so I am not obliged to do this course. I searched online for other courses and found some good ones. Unfortunately, you always have to start with the lowest level which is very annoying.

„Finally weekend!“ weiterlesen

Finally good news (at least for some of us)!

Today we got another email from our school. The project manager told us, that we just have to do the English test online and not the course, but he wasn’t 100% sure so he said he would give us more information soon.

I also tried to access the course, but it is still not working…

I showed one of my colleagues my program, so far so good. Now they got more information which means for me that I have to do a lot of researches in order to rewrite half of my program.

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Still, just a chaos

My day started as usually, at work, continuing my programming tasks that are still very tricky.

Some of my classmates got already access to the online English course as for me I have to say, that I don’t have access at the moment but I have to and I really want to do this course.

Yesterday, I also wrote a mail to my school but still I got no reply. I have no choice but to keep waiting.

„Still, just a chaos“ weiterlesen

What a chaos

Today I contacted with my school. I have still the problem that I can’t access the online English course. I asked my school because on the site it’s written that they have to activate it. My school told me to ask the support because they can’t do something. After I wrote the support I got an answer quickly. They told me that there is something wrong and I need another invitation. So I used my second invitation that I got. I did again the first English exam which took me around 1 hour. Luckily I got the same result as the first time even though doing the same thing twice is really annoying.

„What a chaos“ weiterlesen

My job as a developer | Tricky task

I kept working on my project today at my workplace. All the other days, I was able to write all the time without even thinking, but today I had one problem which took me a lot of time. I currently program a tool to synchronize the local database with a CRM (Costumer Relationship Management). First I had no field on the CRM that I could use as an id/primary key. I need such field because it is possible that some people have the same last- and first name. Later I found out, that I could just create a new field and fill it with the id from the database. Later I found out that I had the problem caused in the moment I requested all contacts to be shown. I already need the id field because the normal function that requests all contacts, returns just a list with all contacts and their last and first name.

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