A Calm third Week

Yesterday was a calm day again and so I did some self-study again but before that I installed Microsoft Office 365 on two client and removed Outlook-accounts from PCs so they could synchronize with a new email address, on another changed the update settings from monthly updates to semi-annual. After work I met up with Nickolas and Artin in a pub.

Today I just installed some software on a client PC with the required software so they could brought back. For lunch I got invited by a colleague, we wanted to go to a German bakery but it was closed unfortunately so we went to an Italian place to get some good sandwiches. After work I met up with Nickolas and Artin again to go to a pub. In the evening I just watched some YouTube videos.

A really good day

I don’t want to explain my work again today, it’s every day the same, I go there, do some programming tasks and then I go home. But today I went to the centre of London after work for some sightseeing. I also used the train for first time to go in the centre. I used once the train but not in this area because it’s very expensive.
It was something completely new. In front of the train doors were other doors to prevent falling on the rails. The doors opened only when the train was there. In Berlin you have to look where the train door will be but here you already know it.

„A really good day“ weiterlesen

Summary of the week and an uncommon working day

Today is friday and the weekend is nearly there but what really marks this day as a special one is that today i am all alone at our workspace. There are some meetings there have to do and all the other work will be done remotly. I am able to contact them over Slack if any urgent issue comes up. All non urgend problems i found are going to be documented on Wrike as detailed as possibile. „Summary of the week and an uncommon working day“ weiterlesen

A friday full of work

As usual, all complaints come in on a Friday, shortly after or during lunch break.
I spent the morning wiping hard drives and doing a bit of research as there wasn’t anything else to do.
After lunch a coworker and I had to create around 20 new user accounts, set up a new workstation, set up three additional monitors for coworkers and untangle quite a few wires of all sorts which where left over from closed down offices.
Before leaving we discussed how to handle the trip to Eastbourne and what we had to do and bring with us.

I am unsure if we have everything we need, but the suitcase is already full and fairly heavy, so anything missing will need to be packaged and sent there.

Still: I am looking forward to it!

Belfast Friendship Club

Today was my second time at the Belfast Friendship Club, the whole meeting is always for free but helping them to get everything ready if you arrived early or having sometime afterwards for cleaning up and recreating some order in the room is a given in my opinion.

The atmosphere there is always a calm one and as last week i found someone to play a round chess. This time it was a realy long game of chess and nearly consumed the full 2 hours of the club meeting. What really surprised me was that some of the people I met last time remembered my name. Next week i will try to find a group that is playing domino, the one you play with 2 to 4 people against each other and not the one where you are just placing stones and make them fall.

A change of plans, but not much else

I was supposed to go to Eastbourne tomorrow, to help set up a new office of Twin. That has been pushed to monday as only one other IT staff is currently available at Twin HQ and he would have to accompany me, leaving noone to work as the frequently needed IT support.

Other than that, nothing of interest happened during the past 3 days.

Can someone stop the rain, please?

I woke up in the morning, took a look out of the window and as expected darkness and raining.
I went out of the house and I saw no bus coming, so I walked to the next bus stop, which is around 500 meter away. At this bus stop are 3 buses that I could take. Unfortunately, the 500 meters were already enough to get all clothes soggy.
Arrived at work, I continued programming. For lunch I bought a salad with some chicken this time (something green looks healthy). After lunchtime I had a meeting with my colleague. He asked me about my progress.

„Can someone stop the rain, please?“ weiterlesen

Early May Bank Holiday

This Monday was Early May bank holiday which meant that we didn’t have to go to work and thus had a long weekend. I didn’t do anything special on that day. Steven and I did some more of our laundry and while the laundry was in the washing machine I used the time to write some blog entries and watch some videos.
„Early May Bank Holiday“ weiterlesen

Boardgaming and Geeking NI

After the great experience with the Belfast Friendship Club last week, I tried another social meeting that you can find here. It’s a meeting about every game you can play on a table, and most importantly, all digital games are banned that night. It was completely by chance that other Germans were there and we were asked if we were playing a round of a game created by one of the regulars.
„Boardgaming and Geeking NI“ weiterlesen