
After considering the title „Uphill“ before, this time it’s more than well-deserved that it opens up this article. Saturday we went up the mountain and it was exhausting as well as rewarding. The view was great and probably more than 500 pictures were taken at the top of the mountain. My personal favorites are shown below.

„Uphill“ weiterlesen

our little mountain climb

So, today was one of the most active days I’ve ever had in the last years. Our group thought about climbing up a Mountain in the north-eastern part of Belfast. At first I thought what could be so special about this Mountain that we want to spend nearly a whole day on it, but as we arrived I saw the mountain in itself and realized: oh, this is going to be a really… funny trip . „our little mountain climb“ weiterlesen

Busy Friday and be with the mind already at the weekend

Today is Data Restore Friday. The morning has begun with a creepy silence which is quite unusual for our Data Restore department. For over an hour no search requests. Finally at 9 AM the first request came in and I had to solve it as usual fast. „Busy Friday and be with the mind already at the weekend“ weiterlesen