„Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily unavailable.“

(quote from Windows)

21st of May in 2018:

The last week of my foreign work experience has started today. I can’t imagine that those eight weeks passed by that fast. I am looking forward to coming home, but I also miss the time with the others here. „„Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily unavailable.““ weiterlesen

„Winter is coming.“

(quote from Game of Thrones)

20th of May in 2018:

Our awaited ‚Game of Thrones‘ (GoT) tour took place today. This Sunday started early, but fortune wasn’t with us. First of all, I was exhausted. Second Son and I left the house quite early, but Google Maps or the GPS from my phone had some errors. My ’smartphone‘, which was stupid this time, navigated us to the wrong location. We had to run to the bus, which was exhausting. By the way, Son doesn’t have mobile data so he couldn’t help. Ten mins too late, we arrived the bus. Robert also joined this tour, cause he is such a huge fan of this series. „„Winter is coming.““ weiterlesen

I Missed The Rain….

The weather was perfect for a relaxed Sunday.

It was raining with a maximum of 15 °C and it was so cloudy that we needed to turn on the lights during the day. I really don’t like this kind of weather and especially the less daylight because it feels like that the day doesn’t even starts.

„I Missed The Rain….“ weiterlesen

Game of Thrones Tour – Belfast Winterfell Location Tour

Day 50 20.05.2018 Sunday


On Sunday Giang and I had to get up quite early (7 a.m.) to catch the bus for the Game of Thrones Tour at 8.30. The tour was supposed to end around 18.00 o’clock.

When booking a GoT tour, you can choose between different tours. We picked the “Belfast Winterfell Location Tour”. For the Tour you have to pay 45 pound as a student and 50 pound as an regular adult.

With this tour you will visit the “Castle Ward Estate” (Winterfell) where you must
walk 3 km, “Inch Abbey” (The King in the North!!) and “Tollymore Forest” (where
Game of Thrones started) where you must walk 3 km.

The decided to pick this tour because we already saw some of other the GoT locations at the Allen’s Tour.  For Example: The Dark Hedges, Carnlough Habour, the Carrick-a-Rede Rope
Bridge, Giant’s Causeway, Ballintoy Harbour and we saw other locations passing by
on the road (Londonderry, Castle Black). „Game of Thrones Tour – Belfast Winterfell Location Tour“ weiterlesen

Limenight and my weekend

Meanwhile, we have the 18th of May and today I have to join the club as it is still a task that was imposed on me at the last „Truth or Dare“ game. But before we left around 9pm, Giang and Tim cooked a tasty chili con carne. Strengthened by the good food, we ran off and found that the Limenight was not yet open. So we waited until 10 pm until we could go inside. Unfortunately we had to realize that almost no one was there. It lasted until midnight until it was full. So we danced until the club closed, which was already at 2 o’clock.
Since I have never been to a club before, this was an interesting experience for me, but it can remain unique. „Limenight and my weekend“ weiterlesen

Lazy sunday

Today we used the day to laze around. Since Giang and Son are on a GoT tour almost all day, Tim, Dominik, Jenny and I wanted to attend an event at the Titanic Square. But there was a small change of plan. We did not feel like it and there were gray clouds everywhere in the sky. „Lazy sunday“ weiterlesen