The last Days

I started the last round two days with working on some servers again. I exchanged the RAM in the servers and put them from 2 GB to 8 GB of RAM after that I installed a RAID-Controller into one of the server. The RAID-Controller was pretty hard to find because we had a lot of them and only that one fitted into the server. After I set everything up I checked if everything was running good and then I cleaned all of the servers because they were pretty dusty and dirty.
On Friday I started to tidy up the office where I was working the whole internship, I put the servers back into the cupboard and put all the cables back into there boxes. Later I had last talk with my managing director about the whole internship and how I liked it and what I learned and how contented he was with my work in the company. After that my managing director invited me for a farewell lunch into a coffee shop but unfortunately I didn’t had that much time because I needed to go to the Twin School for a meeting. At the school we spoke about the positive things and not positive things of the internship and a lot of people from my group didn’t had a good experience here and the mood was a bit down but everyone was happy that we will fly back to Berlin tomorrow.

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