What I’ve Been Eating

Everyday for lunch Nickolas and I walk a few blocks to Forest Hill Station, where there are a few options for food. Most of the time we go to a place called D&D, which is a Caribbean/Jamaican joint. The options are jerk wings, sweet chili wings, or fried chicken. I always mix it up and get either jerk chicken or sweet chili wings, alternating every other day.

At forest hill there are also some other options, including a Vietnamese joint called Gao. We went there a couple of times and got ourselves some Phở Bò, Vietnamese soup with noodles and beef strips. Other than that we went to a fish and chips place, it wasn’t that great though.

Although the prices in London are quite expensive in comparison to Germany and other places I’ve lived, such as the US, I think we are getting a good deal each time we go to lunch here at Forest Hill.

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