The last long weekend

Saturday I finally found fitting shoes.
With my old ones falling apart and few shops having my size, this felt like a much bigger accomplishment than it should.
Later that day I met up with a few others for a few drinks.

Sunday started a bit uncoordinated.
First we wanted to get a British breakfast, but quickly decided to try a burger restaurant instead.
After what was then lunch, we bought an american football and a basketball and headed to a small park in which we spent a few hours.

Hello London Tower!

Today I left the house early. My plan for the day was to visit the London Tower. To go there I took 2 busses. Luckily, the last bus drove over the Tower Bridge. I also was lucky that the tower bridge was opened at this time, so I had to wait a bit. It was a great view to see the Tower Bridge opened.

Directly behind the Tower Bridge is already the Tower of London. The huge castle with the big park was very impressive. I just took some pictures there and I was thinking about going in, but there were too much people and I’m not a big fan of visiting a castle. In my home town in Germany I have a lot of castles near, so it’s nothing special for me.


„Hello London Tower!“ weiterlesen

How are things going with the website

In the last couple of days, I was entrusted with the task to build the new website for the shop. But how are things going?

South London Repair wanted a new website for repairs focused on Apple products. On the website you can see the prices, working hours and some technics for the repairs of iPhones, iPads, Macbooks and iPods. The layout of the website was already done, but it is written in Hungarian. So I translated some of the texts in English. I had to change the texts in HTML, because most of the sites are one raw html file. Most of the sites are also linked wrongly so I also needed to redirect this. The whole website uses also many CSS files, which I had to change for the purpose of the shop. In the last two days I tried to get a whole view of the website and started to apply many changes. I would consider 1/3 of  the whole website done. There are also some ‚bugs‘ which bother me a bit, but I was told, that these bugs are irrelevant and I should not waste my time on them.

To build and change the website is a nice change from screwing televisions or iPhones.

A long weekend with football

For the weekend I needed to go to Stratford to buy a pair of pants for my uncle, which I did in the afternoon because I slept pretty long as always on the weekend. In Stratford I went to the West Ham store to get the pants and then went to the Gap store to look for a pair of pants for my mother which she had wished for but unfortunately they didn’t had them anymore. I just went home after the Gap store because there was nothing for me to do anymore. At home I just watched a show on my laptop and later then the DFB-Cup final game.

On Sunday I just did my laundry and watched some YouTube videos.

Best day of my stay abroad!

In my opinion, yesterday was the best day of the whole stay abroad. We had been planning to explore the surrounding country of Belfast and Northern Ireland for quite some time now and after we’ve already had to postpone our trip once we finally got to take part in the „Game of Thrones – Tour“ we booked over a week ago. That’s exactly what this Blog will be all about. „Best day of my stay abroad!“ weiterlesen

Nearing the final stretch

As of Saturday it is officially only two more weeks until I get to go back home. I must say I wasn’t expecting to look forward to going back this much. This experience in London has unfortunately rarely been a positive one. Apart from a few minor details most everything here is just better at home in Berlin. „Nearing the final stretch“ weiterlesen

Lazy saturday

Today the others went for the game of thrones tour which took about 9 hours. i stayed at home because i had a lot of sleep to catch up on and because game of thrones doesn’t interest me. the day was very relaxed and i used it to clean up and watch series. when the others came back completely exhausted from their tour we talked about it for a while and then everyone went to bed. except me writing this blog entry now.