Best day of my stay abroad!

In my opinion, yesterday was the best day of the whole stay abroad. We had been planning to explore the surrounding country of Belfast and Northern Ireland for quite some time now and after we’ve already had to postpone our trip once we finally got to take part in the „Game of Thrones – Tour“ we booked over a week ago. That’s exactly what this Blog will be all about.

Together with Florian and Andy I went on an exploration tour through Northern Ireland specially made for fans of the series „Game of Thrones“. For the price of 58€ a lot was offered. Not only for the eye, but also for entertainment. Even though I don’t have any background knowledge about the series and I’m not really interest in it either, last Saturday was in my opinion the absolute highlight of our internship abroad. Just to see the beautiful nature and all the sights was worth the money. Now I know why they chose this locations for the series. Stunningly beautiful scenery.

Since the tour should already start at 8 o’clock from the City Center, we were up at around 6 o’clock in the morning. After our bags were packed with food and something to drink we made our way to the meeting point. From here we should be picked up by a small bus together with the around 25 other participants. Among the destinations of the tour were not only locations from the series, but also various sights like the „Giants Causeway“, the „Dark Hedges“ or the „Carrick a Rede – Ropebridge“. Most of the sights were scattered all along the coastline, so that we had a really nice view driving from sight to sight. What made the tour a real highlight were not the sights but our incredibly competent and cool tour guide Richard. He had a lot of information and even insider stories about every place where they shot the movie. That was probably because he was on the set himself.

Whether Game of Thrones fan or not. I can’t recommend anything other than for everyone to ones do this tour! It was amazing!

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