The Second Week Part 2

The beginning of the Second part in the second week was not so much Interesting. At the work I came in my daily routine here in Belfast like Berlin after two weeks. I Troubleshoot Windows Server SBS 2011 Backup Solutions, and made Excel Tables about some Backup thinks. At the free time we went on Wednesday to the gym and on Thursday to the Tesco to buy something to eat. The Weekend was the Interesting part of this week.
„The Second Week Part 2“ weiterlesen

Expectations were met

…the weather is finally behaving like it should be. The faint memory of the pleasant sunshine last week is slowly fading. It’s raining right now. It was raining 2 hours ago too. And it will rain in the evening. Maybe you can guess which one of my possessions back from Germany was the first to give up on working? It was my umbrella. Lucky me. It broke down in the middle of a shower. That’s when the hunt for an umbrella started. And let me just say, it’s ridiculous how hard it was to find a new umbrella. Many small boutiques didn’t offer any. I was desperate. I even tried to find one in some of the kiosks nearby. Here is another guess for you, where to you think I finally found an umbrella? You are wrong. It was in a cancer research shop. „Expectations were met“ weiterlesen

The first weekend and some overall thoughts

Today I thought about writing about the whole weekend, since it was, in my opinion, not enough to fill one whole article with one day. Thus I’ll start with Saturday, where we were at the St. George’s Market. It is, as the name already says, a rather big market where you can buy fresh made food, some art or jewellery and even meat that is brought fresh from the local farms. The whole market is in a big open building sou you can walk around rather freely.

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