The Journey Begins

My day started at 6:30 AM in Berlin Spandau where I woke up together with my girlfriend. I ate something and my father drove us to the Schönefeld Airport where I checked in with my suitcase and went through the security check which went really quick.
After walking for like 10 minutes over what felt like the entire airport me and Anton found our gate where the others where already waiting to get on the bus that would bring us to the plane.

When we arrived in London Stansted after a kind of hard landing we went through the passport control and grabbed our luggage. Some of us including me used the time we had on the airport to get some money from the atm.
We didn’t find the guy that was supposed to drive us into the city at first but after a couple of minutes he showed up and so we drove for like an hour to get to Greenwich where our host families would pick us up and drive us to their place.

So far everything’s fine and I am really looking forward to the next two months that I’m gonna spend with my host family, in my company and with exploring a foreign country for the first time without my parents.

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