Beginning of the Last Week in London

On this Monday I was given the task to do some more changes to the company’s website but this time the changes were a bit more severe. I deleted all the existing webpages and created new ones with only the most important information and so getting rid of many useless pages.

After work I met up with Steven, Gunnar, Julius, Thore and Dustin at The Gate Clock which is one of many Wetherspoon pubs and this particular one is located in Greenwhich. We all got ourselves a burger and some drinks. I had a burger called the ultimate burger which was very tasty.

On Tuesday I was working on the website’s design and tried to edit the company’s logo so it would fit the website’s color scheme. When I was finished with the logo my chef unfortunately didn’t like it and so I had to remove it from the website.

When work was over I went home immediately because I wanted to do all my laundry so it would all be clean and ready to be packed into my bags.

On Wednesday the work day was rather boring because now that I was done with the website I went back to getting rid of duplicate, useless and old files from the shared folder.

After work Artin and I went to the Ninth Life to get a beer and then we went home where I had a delicious dinner.

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