The Last Days in London

This Thursday I spent the time at work composing and printing letters for customers again.

After work Artin and I went to the Ninth Life for one last time to get a last after work beer.

At home Steven and I started to pack our bags and because we had already washed and folded our laundry on Tuesday we were done very quickly.

On Friday the last day at work I created a small guide on how to edit the company’s website using the website building tool because the website was still missing some webpages and my boss is going to add them herself in the future.

When work was over at 14 o’clock Artin and I took the the train to get to the Twin agency where we had some time to give feedback.

After that Gunnar, Julius, Dustin, Thore, Louis and I met in a park to get some drinks to celebrate the end of the internship.

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