2 Weeks since London

I’ve been in Berlin now for 2 weeks, and I’m happy to be back here, rather than in London. Even though I had a fun time due to the fact that family and friends visited me, I did miss my other friends and family in Berlin. Yesterday my Grandfather turned 77 and the whole family met up and had we had a great time. I was happy to see all of my family, since I hadn’t seen them in 2 months.

Last week I also went to Esslingen for three days and visited my friend that had visited me in London. We went „Segelfliegen“, which I had done once before.

I am glad that everything is falling into place after my internship in London. I am also happy with my new position at the Freien Universität at the ZEDAT, where I am going to do my Finishing project to conclude my Apprenticeship.

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