What an adventure

Today, I’ll start talking about what happened yesterday evening. When I was jogging in a park for my daily workout, I saw near a house a police car. I just ignored it because it was nothing special, especially in this area. When I came back, I saw another car in the front of the house. It was a black van on which was written “Private Ambulance”. Behind the car were 2 men in black suits that carried this metal thing to transport people. On it was a fully covered person, so I knew someone died. Somehow creepy to think that I walk everyday there.

Now to my Sunday, I started it with a good breakfast. Later, I went out to the center of London. I was visiting some sightseeing and some stores. I also went for lunch at “Subway” and enjoyed there a big sandwich. When I tried to get back home, I waited around 30 minutes for a bus. But unfortunately after all that time there was still no bus. Some people around me already called taxis.


I started walking home, after around 2 kilometers I finally saw a bus. The temperature today was around 30 degrees so you can imagine the situation in the bus. I was there for about 45 minutes the bus was full and filled with a very bad air.



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