Just relaxing and watching movies

Today I woke up late as I had not a special plan for the day. I ate breakfast with my host mother and we talked about pets, about her older pets and about the pets from my parents. Such basic talks were prepared so often in school and now it wasn’t such a big deal for me to talk about these things.

After the breakfast I watched some movies. Afterwards I remembered that I don’t have water here anymore, so I decided to go out and buy some.

When I came back from the supermarket I got everything, some food and a new shower gel except the water I planned to buy. Of course I forgot the thing that I even went out to get.

„Just relaxing and watching movies“ weiterlesen

An expensive photo

Today I started my day with a good breakfast. Afterwards I went directly out to catch my bus. Today I had my Cisco Certified Network Security exam. It took me around 1 hour to get there. As I arrived there I had to sign a lot of documents that I had no cheating intentions and such things. Later I also had to do a body check. When I did CCNA in Berlin I just had a quick check, but this time it was a full one. I had to empty my pockets and they also took a look at my back pockets. They checked my legs and my glasses too. They checked like 2 minutes through my glasses until they were sure that they just normal glasses and not something special.

„An expensive photo“ weiterlesen

Let’s prepare and try to keep calm.

My work was as always, I programmed and continued on my projects. I also got an answer about my yesterday’s problem (being registered into 2 internships). My teacher told me to ignore the second one.
During my breaks and in every free minute I did some preparation tests for the Cisco Certified Network Security. I already have been preparing myself for this exam over one month and this week I just had good runs when I tried the questions. Like today, I had just one mistake from 230 questions. Today I decided to try because in the preparation exam’s I know a lot of stuff and I already watched a whole youtube course about this topic. While registering for the exam, everything was fine.
„Let’s prepare and try to keep calm.“ weiterlesen

What a mess!

Today I started as usually with some programming. After lunch I got an email from our school. They need some documents from us and at first it was a bit unclear which documents we needed to send them. After a talk with the agency it was now clear. Unfortunately we found out that our task was to send these information’s since in the first week. But in the first week we couldn’t send this information because we still had lessons and we were not to our workplaces. In the second week we forgot because we ignored the first week (it was already done).

„What a mess!“ weiterlesen

Let’s talk to some friends

My workday was as usual, nothing special. Today I decided to talk with some of my friends. I hadn’t had contact with since I arrived in London…
So I went to our voice server and we talked about all the things which happened during my time here. They also asked me about my experience so far. I explained to them a bit then they got my blog link. Today is the birthday from my grandmother too so I also called her, she was very surprised from the call because I’m in London and that is very far for her.

„Let’s talk to some friends“ weiterlesen

My workplace at the Twin School

My day was as usual, nothing special today. So I decided to tell you something about my workplace.
My workplace is like all the other places here, there is only one difference. The other employes got 2 monitors and I got one. Only one monitor isn’t the best solution for programming, but for 2 month I think it’s okay.
My computer is also very “simple” for normal task, but for programming not the best. I got 4 Gigabyte of RAM and an Intel i5 processor.

„My workplace at the Twin School“ weiterlesen

Meeting with our apprenticeship leader

Meeting with our apprenticeship leader
Today, I went as usual to my workplace. I continued with my project from the last week and meanwhile when I was programming, a colleague told me that my teachers were here. I followed him to a meeting room. In the meeting room were Mrs Banach, Mr Gierschner and Mr Bavar. We had a talk about my workplace and about the current situation.

„Meeting with our apprenticeship leader“ weiterlesen

Hello Oxford Street | £500???

Today I went early to the Oxford Street. I had a quick breakfast, then we cleaned up our room shortly that our host mother could hover the floor.
After the morning routine I went directly out and got there by bus. It took me about 2 hours to get there and with train I would need around 1 hour but I saved every month around 100€. So of course it’s better sleeping one hour less and going there by bus.
As I arrived there I had a crazy idea. I went to every famous store and asked just for a bag (Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Apple, Nike, Adidas and so on). Apparently they weren’t allowed to give me one because I had to buy something first.

„Hello Oxford Street | £500???“ weiterlesen

Sun! This was unexpected…

Today I slept a lot because I came home late yesterday. I started my day with a good breakfast and afterwards I watched movies because when I looked out of the window I just saw a gray sky. Around 2pm the weather got better, the dark clouds went away and I managed to see the sun. So I went out and bought a little snack.
I did some researches again, so if the weather would be good tomorrow, I would like to go to the Oxford Street. I was never there before and it’s a very long street thats why I need the whole day and of course good weather too.

„Sun! This was unexpected…“ weiterlesen

A really good day

I don’t want to explain my work again today, it’s every day the same, I go there, do some programming tasks and then I go home. But today I went to the centre of London after work for some sightseeing. I also used the train for first time to go in the centre. I used once the train but not in this area because it’s very expensive.
It was something completely new. In front of the train doors were other doors to prevent falling on the rails. The doors opened only when the train was there. In Berlin you have to look where the train door will be but here you already know it.

„A really good day“ weiterlesen