Can someone stop the rain, please?

I woke up in the morning, took a look out of the window and as expected darkness and raining.
I went out of the house and I saw no bus coming, so I walked to the next bus stop, which is around 500 meter away. At this bus stop are 3 buses that I could take. Unfortunately, the 500 meters were already enough to get all clothes soggy.
Arrived at work, I continued programming. For lunch I bought a salad with some chicken this time (something green looks healthy). After lunchtime I had a meeting with my colleague. He asked me about my progress.

„Can someone stop the rain, please?“ weiterlesen

8th May → 8th June

Today I took a look at the calendar and I realized that we will depart in one month. Let’s see what I can do in the next weekends.
So far, my day was normal, like all the other days. I got access to a new platform which consists on signing documents online. Now my task is to use the developer API and create a program which will fetch all the filled forms from the users. When I requested the API key, I had to wait some hours.

„8th May → 8th June“ weiterlesen

Hey, there is something…

Today I start writing my blog, directly from my workplace. I got some instructions about my new project, and I did some researches while waiting for my credentials to login on the website. Unfortunately one of the colleagues was all the day busy and he couldn’t give me the login details, so I kept myself busy doing researches.

„Hey, there is something…“ weiterlesen

My Review so far

It’s been over 3 weeks that I’m here and I have to say some things are very cool and of course certain things are not so good, in my opinion. The first positive thing about London is my host family, okay I just have a host mother, but she is very friendly and she always gives her best that we feel very comfortable here. Also some sightseeing in the United Kingdom are very breathtaking, but the thing that I don’t like is it has a lot of people here (tourists). It’s overwhelming.

„My Review so far“ weiterlesen

Learn, Relax and Ice

Today was a bank holiday in the United Kingdom, in Germany this holiday is on the first of May, but here it’s on the first Monday of May. So I decided to rest a bit and learn for some certificates, which I am planning to do in the near future. After the learning time, my roommate asked me if I wanted to go with him to the “CoOp” supermarket that is near our house. We went together there and got something to eat and of course, we got ice cream because… okay the temperature outside was around 10 degrees but ice cream is always a good choice.

„Learn, Relax and Ice“ weiterlesen

Hellooooo Brixton!

Today I went to Brixton Market, an area where you can find fresh fruits, vegetables and fish being sold. You can buy here all the fresh food that are being sold directly from farmers. You know your money is worth for that healthy food.
I was just looking around and I must to say that many people use this chance every Sunday to buy their fruits there.


„Hellooooo Brixton!“ weiterlesen

Raining, again…

Today I woke up a bit late because it’s weekend and of course IT students are known to be sleepyheads. When I took a quick look outside it seemed that it would be a nice day. I ate a healthy breakfast with my host family and afterwards I looked out again and the sky was covered in dark clouds and it was already raining.

„Raining, again…“ weiterlesen

Happy Birthday!

Today at work I started with installing my program on their virtual machine. After some testing I finished and figured out, that all was working great. After this I had to do a presentation about my project, they were quite satisfied with my work. The next thing was that I got an introduction about my next project. About this I have to create some word documents, which must get filled by the parents of the students and then I have to create a program which will read and check out the data and if everything is valid, if not an email will be sent with a notification and similar stuff.

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Rainy day…

My morning was like the other days, nothing special anymore. I arrived at work and I continued programming my program. After some hours I finally finished it. I demonstrated the program to my colleague and we tested it for bugs or other vulnerabilities, but we found nothing.

After the testing part I had to create some triggers in the database, sounds very easy, but when the SQL statement for the trigger is over 10 lines long then its no longer funny.

„Rainy day…“ weiterlesen

WWW – work, work and work

I woke up today and I realized that I felt a little bit sick. But this wasn’t something to worry about so I went to work normally. As I arrived there I started a long conversation with my colleague about the project. They didn’t want one of the currently installed features that was implemented in the Surveyprovider’s API, and I tried some workarounds, but they used too much resources.

„WWW – work, work and work“ weiterlesen